Author Topic: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple - In-stock and Pre-orders now live!  (Read 48118 times)

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Offline Bobatype

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More than twenty years ago, you were button-mashing with glee…  And we both know that still hasn’t changed. So why not relive those good old days by powering up your battle station with a vibrant Atomic Purple theme? Inject some 90s gaming nostalgia into your desk setup with these playful see-through purple plastic keycaps.

Evoking fond childhood memories of playing video games in the 1990s, this keycap set is inspired by the translucent purple colourway of some gaming systems of this iconic era. The keycaps feature a light purple, semi-transparent outer layer; alongside primary coloured accents and novelties that pay homage to some of the classic gaming consoles of yore.


More photographs here:

Atom by Pensa

Iron165 by Smith+Rune

Werk One by werk.technica

E8.5 by Exclusive

F1-8k Snow by Geon

Disclaimer: Renders shown are used for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to kits for the most updated keycap layout coverages


Base Kit
[Covers 60%, 65%, 75%, TKL, with terminal ISO, F13, Tsangan support, and minimal compatibility for some Alice, split space and HHKB layouts.
Novelties and Spacebars are included.]

Katakana Alpha Kit

Accent RGBY Kit

Numpad Kit

40s Kit

International Kit
[For UK, DE, SE/FI, NO, and DK]



1. This should not be treated as 100% accurate reproduction of the original Atomic Purple colourway. There are several limitations, such as the original casing shells did not have any underlying white opaque layer below the translucent purple layer, which is unavoidable in this situation due to the double-shot legends. An OEM controller has been used as the primary reference.

2. The inner layer for the keycaps will have holes/gaps visible through the semi-transparent top layer. These are not defects but manufacturing constraints from the double shot injection molding process. Coincidentally this is an appropriate fit for the theme, as the original transparent shells of the source reference also expose the underlying molding structures (i.e. threaded holes for screws). Also consider 'atomic' as a tribute to humanity's curiosity into the inner structure of matter itself. Please refer to the PBTFans X-ray disclaimer for examples of variations possible. 

3. The images shown are used for illustrative purposes only. There may be variations because of differences in display output due to lighting, angle of view, and screen calibration. Furthermore the semi-transparent nature of the keycap material adds another variable.


GBC (Pretendo Purple)

Game Motif - Black

Game Motif - Purple

Atomic Orbit

Artisan keycap - Salvun x Maxvoltar x Bobatype


Specs: Top is aluminium, stone washed, and laser engraved. Bottom is hand-dyed polycarb.

Kindly DM me on Instagram/Discord to discuss.


Material: ABS Material
Profile: Cherry Profile
Manufacturing Method: Double shot injection molding
Manufacturer: PBTfans™
Packaging: ABS keycaps tray with designed tray cover
Compatibility: Cherry MX and MX clones switches


Keycap colour samples confirmed (furthest right is final color approved):


Other colours were confirmed on prior rounds (note that R3 purple approval was later retracted and revised)

Deskmat prototypes:


Estimated Production Completion Date - December 2024

Combination of in-stock and pre-order.
For the specific price, please refer to the local vendors site.
Prices may fluctuate according to local tariffs, shipping etc.
With the extensive novelties and number of colours incorporated into the base, the pricing might be slightly higher than the average PBTFans base kit.


Current List of VendorsList of Vendors
Global : KBDFans
US - Divinikey
US - Omnitype
CA - Minokeys

EU - Keygem
EU - MaxGaming - store page pending
UK - MechMods

KR - GEONWORKS - store page pending
CN - Mars.Universe - store page pending
TW - PNKeyboard
SG - ktechs
VN - Uniq Meck
AU - Soupkeys

• Q&A •

Thoughts behind the design?
I’ve always wanted a retro gaming themed keycap set that I not only had a personal connection with, but also had a bright and playful palette, not based around beige and greys. Atomic Purple hits that mark for me in terms of nostalgia and childhood fun, being the raddest versions of the GBC and N64 controllers. Although translucent tech casing was a fad of the 90s, as a child, the exposed inner electromechanical components of the devices was a visual delight. Being able to have a peek under the plastic increased one’s geeky appreciation/fascination for the underlying technology.
Furthermore, the way these caps hint at the inner molding, much like the source reference, makes me really happy at how it all lines up.
Essentially this is a nostalgic affection for the see-through casing of gaming devices and controllers of the past, particularly the ones that I personally played. I’ll always have a sweet spot for them, as they featured some of the most beloved games of its generation. I can’t say I miss blowing on cartridges though.

‘Atomic’ to me implies looking at the underlying structure, so I wanted to play upon the chemistry angle too. This is why some of the novelties simultaneously resemble atomic structures like nucleus/bonds and also the outlines/shapes of controller buttons. Chemistry is pretty cool too.

How will colour-matching be done?
After a significant amount of revisions, I’ve tried my very best at picking the closest physical color code from the RAL/Pantone systems whilst keeping an authentic reference from the OEM on hand for comparisons. This is to assist with consistency across manufacturer, render depictions, and collabs. Please note until I have a keycap sample in hand, it’s still too early to say anything, and anything I do say should be considered subjective as I do not own a spectrophotometer. Be reassured I’m not colour-blind and I will ask others for their opinion too when samples are created. I have discussed with the manufacturer about sending them a physical reference source from the OEM to assist with matching.

Will there be other kits /layout compatibility?
No. I am limited by the manufacturer constraints on the available doubleshot legend molds, and what kits the vendor also believes are financially viable for minimum order quantities.

Why semi-transparent RGBY accents/novelties instead of opaque?
Although the RGBY keys were originally intended to be opaque with subtle RGBY legends to directly reference to the original controller buttons, semi-transparent keys were strongly preferred by the manufacturer due to the costs. Furthermore, renders revealed that the semi-transparent primary coloured keycaps still look fantastic and objectively more consistent; retaining the translucency and white legends adjacent to see-through purple caps. These accents are also meant to represent the portable gaming console’s self-titled introduction of ‘Color’ to its own handheld system.
Throughout this design project, it’s been a delicate task in balancing between interpreting the original theme faithfully, but also not becoming so hung up on an exact reproduction in a different medium; compromising overall design cohesiveness/aesthetic. Thus, please forgive me in advance for the artistic licence that I’ve had to employ at times in regards to the colours and novelties.

What’s next?
Confirming GB/in-stock production timelines and vendors.  Collabs. It’s mainly logistical at this point.

I’m currently developing other translucent keycap sets based on 90s early 00s technology/gaming (WIP). Depending on how this particular project goes, I may get an opportunity in the future to run GBs for the other colours in the Funtastic range too (i.e. Grape Purple and Fire Orange) as the novelty molds already exist.

What’s the best gaming console of all-time?
This is a contentious topic with lots of heated opinions, and it’s hard to compare GOATs across eras, but seriously, it’s the one you grew up with. They all stand on the shoulders of giants before. Personally, the ones that had the most impact on me were in fact the handhelds due to portability.

• MISC •
Please fill in the Feedback/Interest Check form. Thanks!



Changes will be summarised here as the thread is updated (if I remember)

2023-04-09: Original Post
2024-03-16: Keycap artisan collab design with Salvun/MVKB
2024-11-20: Red and Yellow colour sample (Round 3) not approved
2024-12-12: Red and Yellow colour sample (Round 4) approved
2024-06-18: Samples with Novelty legends approved, however previous approval for prior Purple colour retracted and revision requested
2024-09-27: Purple colour sample approved after 2 more rounds
2024-10-17: Packaging Box Artwork finalised
2024-11-13: Production commencement

Thank you to those who provided help, support or design assistance for this project in some form or another. Special shoutouts in particular to:
Bob (KBDFans) and Pensa (renders).
Cheers to Its.Hymn for the F1-8K renders. Also to Am for correcting some of the legend tolerances.
To Aiglatson Studio, Cylent and KDD, for providing answers/feedback to some simple questions; your willingness to reply is appreciated.
A nod to Oli for being cool dude I can bounce ideas off.

Appreciation also goes out to developers of Blender, Inkscape, and KRK (Imperfectlink); including the designers of the respective keyboards in the renders depicted.

Acknowledgement goes to other game-themed keycap sets that served as inspiration, such as: GMK DMG, GMK Dualshot, and GMK Cubed.

I also copied Hali’s Horsey IC’s BBcode for hyperlinking sections.

• Profile Signature Code •

If you’d like to show your support for this project here on Geekhack, you can add the following to your forum profile signature:
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« Last Edit: Wed, 15 January 2025, 05:54:31 by Bobatype »

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 08:50:31 »
Reserved  ;D

Offline Zanhana

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 09:45:18 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.

Now, as for potentially actionable feedback:

I'm not really sure what the constraints of PBTFans kitting are, but it would be nice to see either

1. a more robust 40s kit (WS Orchid Strings is a great example), because right now for 40s you have to buy a gigantic base kit + mid 40s kit to cover one board (and the alternatives have major shortcomings: katakana alphas + 40s kit + accent kit locks you into using accent colors, while base + 40s + katakana alphas only makes sense if for some reason you to want to cover both a normie board and a 40s board with the same caps), or

2. more modular kitting with
  • alphas (Latin and katakana, or just Latin)
  • normie mods
  • full 40s mods
  • bars
  • novelties/accents (note that with modular kitting, this is where the grey caps belong)
  • international

In the current kitting, it is also not clear to me why the accent kit duplicates the arrows available in the base kit.

Finally, please make sure all your bars and minibars have the lengths labeled.
« Last Edit: Mon, 10 April 2023, 09:49:56 by Zanhana »

Offline keepoto

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 09:51:00 »
this is very dank

kitting wise maybe split out the RGBY/grey keys from base, otherwise if it's PBTfans's fixed kitting then there's really not much to do

Offline mcmcmc

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 10:08:29 »
this is ****ing sick. :thumb:

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 10:16:32 »
Thanks for the feedback Zanhan.

Regarding kitting constraints, it's pretty strict, with most PBTFans set having pretty much the same 40s kit. So not sure there's more room to move there.

I had to push to get Katakana alpha kit and the RGBY accent modifier kit to be considered (please indicate in the IC feedback form if you're interested in them), as the vendor/manu these days are pretty conservative with extra SKUs, due to MOQ considerations. Thus having even more modular kitting structure is unlikely unless there's an overwhelming consensus opinion and popularity in this project to support it.

Although I understand that it's not cost optimal for 40s users, I do like the simplicity of having the novelties and spacebars in one base kit.
I did follow PBTFans Pyga's lead in terms of baking in the spacebars into the base.
Apologies for not labelling them, but the Spacebars are: 2.00c, 2.25c, 2.75c, 6.00c, 3.00c x 2
I had originally had the novelties separate from the base kit, but the vendor prefers them incorporated.
It's something I'm happy to support, as I hate how some keycap sets in the aftermarket sometimes don't have novelty kit available, meaning half the fun of the set, is no longer readily achievable. I can't say for sure, since I don't have the calculations, but by potentially baking it into the base kit, it might actually be cheaper than people individually buying base kit and novelty kit separately?

The RGBY accent arrows in the accent kit are also there despite being a duplicate with arrows in base kit, because:
A) The original iteration of the base kit had opaque RGBY arrow keys, not translucent, so it's something I forgot to remove at first.
B) However I also wanted the Accent Kit to be also something people could purchase in itself to use with their other keycaps, even if they're not interested in the Atomic Purple base kit. As such I intend to leave them in.

In terms of Cherry profile being boring, if this is GB is successful, and the market pulls out of the keebcesssion recently, I have an idea of an alternative profile I know I can explore this in the future,  but that's rather far away goal, and PBTFans translucent cherry profile keycaps is a known quantity/quality at the moment

« Last Edit: Tue, 11 April 2023, 00:34:11 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 10:22:11 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty... Yeah that seems about right.
"Ask your mother how good I can use more than two fingers." - Caesar, 2023

Offline xef

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 10:27:30 »
the IC form link goes to the Theseus75 IC fyi

Offline Rafa_n

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 11:08:59 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring

least delusional 40s user

Offline arr1

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #9 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 11:38:28 »
This looks nice. It´s a pity that no other layouts can be included.
« Last Edit: Mon, 10 April 2023, 12:38:06 by arr1 »

Offline WoobEC

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #10 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 12:37:56 »
So good

Offline ZavaZ86

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #11 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 13:15:43 »
Alt gr keys in a icon only keyset wow...

Offline Keeblet_257

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #12 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 14:31:42 »
I love icon only, I love alt gr in icon only sets and I love 500 novs in basekit instead of making it a seperate kit

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #13 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 16:24:18 »
This is giving me what I couldn't get from GMK Cubed despite asking four times (good international support on a retro Nintendo-y keyset).

That Pretendo deskmat is fire, too. This is sick.

10/10, no notes. Let's a-goooooo.
« Last Edit: Mon, 10 April 2023, 16:40:32 by aicyborg »

Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #14 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 16:47:01 »
I can't wait for someone to make a dreamcast of Classic Xbox Set.
I'm all for this set, transparent purple is the way to go!
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty... Yeah that seems about right.
"Ask your mother how good I can use more than two fingers." - Caesar, 2023

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #15 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 19:33:33 »
Thanks for all the lovely compliments and feedback thus far.

EDIT: I've been informed by KBDFans that the underlying hole/dots in fact have a lower opacity than the current renders depict, and one should refer to photographs of PBTfans Pyga for a more accurate idea in the mean-time. Samples are still a few weeks from being produced, which will serve a better idea of how it'll look in hand.
Thanks to all who have left feedback/comments in the IC form. I will pass on some of the suggestions to KBDFans (i.e. lack of 1.25c, and 1.75c x 2 spacebars for 40s users). No promises.

It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
Translucent keycaps are only possible in ABS/double-shot, which means there's only a limited number of manufacturers and profiles available to achieve this effect. Cherry profile being so predominant can be seen as boring, but there's a reason for its popularity. I'd rather play it safe and cater to the majority with a profile and manufacturer that will guarantee the highest amount of success for the first GB in this colorway. PBTFans has demonstrated at least a decent level of quality with Pyga that lends me confidence at this stage to run with them. I'll never say no to a future alternative profile and kits, but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

the IC form link goes to the Theseus75 IC fyi
Thanks for the heads up. Sorry for the inaccurate IC form link (a mistake made from harvesting BBcode from multiple ICs), I've since updated the feedback from link in the OP:

This looks nice. It´s a pity that no other layouts can be included.
Thanks for the nice comment. Sorry, I'd love to cater to some other layout, but yeah, we've got to work with what we have available with PBTFans/KBDfans, since there's a higher cost justification required to make the doubleshot molds in the first place. I know it's a frustrating issue for niche layout users that use 40s, ortho, international EU (not just NORDEUK) etc [it's nice that EloquentClick of GMK Blot is doing a kit to support ESFR].

Alt gr keys in a icon only keyset wow...
I love icon only, I love alt gr in icon only sets and I love 500 novs in basekit instead of making it a seperate kit
I agree that the Alt Gr modifiers in the international kit are pointless and incongruent in a set where the modifier legends are icon only.
I've been instructed to leave them in there :shrugs:
I believe it's because the double-shot molds for international (NORDEUK+) keys already have the text Alt Gr modifiers included, so they will be manufactured regardless and doesn't really cost them anything extra to be made, and it's not cheaper to have them not made? I think it's a waste, but if they don't cost extra, and were going to be thrown in the bin anyways...

This is giving me what I couldn't get from GMK Cubed despite asking four times (good international support on a retro Nintendo-y keyset).

That Pretendo deskmat is fire, too. This is sick.

10/10, no notes. Let's a-goooooo.
Hehe cheers.
Pretendo is my personal favourite too, as it took me a while to figure out how to represent the translucent effect on a 2D opaque surface.
The Gamepad pattern deskmat is more simple, but a bit more versatile, with the black probably being something that you could use with lots of other sets. Obviously inspired by the LV pattern.
Atomic Orbit is for those who appreciate chemistry and a cool zoom effect.
« Last Edit: Mon, 10 April 2023, 21:10:17 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #16 on: Mon, 10 April 2023, 21:29:38 »
There's one tiny thing that's jumping out to me: I love that this has RGBY alternates for [, ', ", and /. I know that's for HHKB layouts, but I'd like to use them just in general because they look cool. For a lot of ISO layouts it's '@ that'd be blue there. Could  a '@ blue key added to the international kit? I realise a lot of kitting is fixed and can't be changed so no worries if not.

Offline Robert.Lussier5

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #17 on: Tue, 11 April 2023, 12:33:44 »
Sign me up boss.
Austin R3 - Green // Austin R3 - Purple // Custom Acrylic Austin - Clear // Rekt1800 - Blue // Cypher r4 - Black // Boston - Sparkle Black // Balance - White // Glitch - Green // Shelby80 - Navy // Odin - Silver // Zoom65  Red // QK65 - Black // Link65 - Lilac

Offline Aquarius

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #18 on: Tue, 11 April 2023, 15:09:58 »
I want to have it right now! I'm really love the colour and material, the purple is cool.

Offline thesky

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #19 on: Tue, 11 April 2023, 16:33:08 »
Awesome theme! Stoked for this!  :thumb:

Offline Silentism

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #20 on: Tue, 11 April 2023, 17:14:01 »
Dam. there really has to be a keycap for everything that gives off that nostalgic feeling. And that's why I have to get this keycap when it releases lol

Offline Hālian

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #21 on: Thu, 13 April 2023, 03:52:26 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
Not who you're asking, I know, but I would prefer SA uniprofile (and uniformly tall).

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #22 on: Thu, 13 April 2023, 04:04:34 »
From the feedback form, some people have been requesting 2 x 1.75c spacebars in the 40s kit (there's currently 1 x 1.75c).
I've checked with KBDFans, who state that this is doable as the 1.75c spacebar mold already exists within that 40s kit, thus a second 1.75 spacebar can be readily added.
It will of course increase that kit's price.
However if it grants 40s users a lot more coverage, then I'm happy to add the second 1.75c sp.

Unfortunately there are no 1.25c spacebars available for ABS keycaps with PBTFans, so that's not going to be an option to include at this stage in any kit.

In regards to separating the extra spacebar keys (2.00c, 2.25c, 2.75c, 3.00c x 2, 6.00c) from the base kit, the decision will be partly dependent on the lead vendor's judgment. There are pros and cons to either option.
My personal preference is to keep it in base, because including spacebars in an all-in-one base kit is convenient and makes it more future-proof for the standard enthusiast who might want to explore split spacebar/Alice layout boards in the future, but will never dip into the smaller niche form factors of 40% and ortho and ergos.
Speaking from personal experience, it's annoying to get into this hobby, and after getting a typical GMK base kit, your tastes expand for more spacebars, however it's annoying difficult and expensive to find that set's spacebars keys.

There's one tiny thing that's jumping out to me: I love that this has RGBY alternates for [, ', ", and /. I know that's for HHKB layouts, but I'd like to use them just in general because they look cool. For a lot of ISO layouts it's '@ that'd be blue there. Could  a '@ blue key added to the international kit? I realise a lot of kitting is fixed and can't be changed so no worries if not.
I'll have to check if it can be done. I believe it might be technically feasible, but it comes down to if the cost increase to the international kit to add another 1u keycap in another colour is something that is financially worth it.
You'll also get other International Users that aren't UK who have to bear that cost, and/or also wanting the coloured HHKB novelty option for their layouts which would then inflate the kit cost unreasonably.

Sign me up boss.
I want to have it right now! I'm really love the colour and material, the purple is cool.
Awesome theme! Stoked for this!  :thumb:
Dam. there really has to be a keycap for everything that gives off that nostalgic feeling. And that's why I have to get this keycap when it releases lol
Thanks all for the support!

It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
Not who you're asking, I know, but I would prefer SA uniprofile (and uniformly tall).
I'm not yet aware of an SA height keycap manufacturer doing translucent style keycaps, although it should be technically feasible. The most known SA profile manufacturer (Signature Plastics (SP)) currently has prolonged production timelines/schedules.
This is a generalisation but SA is rather divisive as a profile to use, with many finding it difficult/uncomfortable to type on.
I personally think it's very pretty visually, and SP's SA doubleshot ABS keycaps are high quality (their packaging is stupid) but I can see why their sheer height can be something people dislike. KAT and MG profile is as tall as I'm willing to go on a daily driver. KAT does do translucent caps, but like SP they've got a decent production backlog to get through first.

Offline Hālian

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #23 on: Thu, 13 April 2023, 04:16:13 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
Not who you're asking, I know, but I would prefer SA uniprofile (and uniformly tall).
I'm not yet aware of an SA height keycap manufacturer doing translucent style keycaps, although it should be technically feasible. The most known SA profile manufacturer (Signature Plastics (SP)) currently has prolonged production timelines/schedules.
This is a generalisation but SA is rather divisive as a profile to use, with many finding it difficult/uncomfortable to type on.
I personally think it's very pretty visually, and SP's SA doubleshot ABS keycaps are high quality (their packaging is stupid) but I can see why their sheer height can be something people dislike. KAT and MG profile is as tall as I'm willing to go on a daily driver. KAT does do translucent caps, but like SP they've got a decent production backlog to get through first.
It's too bad the SA load isn't better spread. (Also, I prefer PBT to ABS, because it doesn't discolor; unfortunately, it warps and so isn't feasible for things like the spacebar or case.)

Offline olihaimar

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #24 on: Thu, 13 April 2023, 05:09:48 »
very dank, brings back so many memories of my mum taking my gameboy and selling it on ebay :')

Offline tactilesbad

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #25 on: Thu, 13 April 2023, 05:22:40 »
icon only mods THANK GOD good project glwic

Offline LOL WTH

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 14 April 2023, 06:59:31 »
Love the design, can't wait!

Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 14 April 2023, 10:04:22 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
Not who you're asking, I know, but I would prefer SA uniprofile (and uniformly tall).
First off, Furry.
Second off, Besides ergo boards I know SA is a very forgettable/avoidable profile for me. I used to use MT3 regularly but I had to stop because the caps were so tall I was starting to develop pain in my wrists. I ain't gonna mince words, you're asking for a tall order from a set like this rn, and I hate to break it but I doubt you're gonna find many sets like this that'll scratch your particular itch. (I'm actually kinda curious if you've used it yourself)
I know you weren't the one complaining about it being in cherry tho, so I doubt you're actually demanding it be in SA. :)
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty... Yeah that seems about right.
"Ask your mother how good I can use more than two fingers." - Caesar, 2023

Offline Xury46

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 14 April 2023, 20:00:15 »
This set looks perfect! Count me in.

Offline mariajose1197

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #29 on: Fri, 14 April 2023, 21:15:09 »
OMG!!! This is insane!!! I love it!!! Reserved!!!

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #30 on: Sat, 15 April 2023, 02:42:49 »
It's too bad the SA load isn't better spread. (Also, I prefer PBT to ABS, because it doesn't discolor; unfortunately, it warps and so isn't feasible for things like the spacebar or case.)
I do prefer the texture of PBT, and like that it is more shine-resistant, but translucent keycaps are not possible with PBT.
Furthermore, the shells of the handhand systems are to my knowledge, also made of ABS. So that's a match.

very dank, brings back so many memories of my mum taking my gameboy and selling it on ebay :')
Damn. That's some childhood trauma right there.
[Get revenge, take her favourite things/toys and sell it on ebay :P]
My mum wouldn't buy consoles, due to lack of money, so my brother and I could only get our gaming dose from hand-me-downs from family/friends (<3), or opportunistically playing it at friend's houses and child care after school programs.

icon only mods THANK GOD good project glwic
Love the design, can't wait!
This set looks perfect! Count me in.
OMG!!! This is insane!!! I love it!!! Reserved!!!
Thanks for the nice words of support! So glad to see others resonate with this project too :)

There's >100 responses to the IC feedback form thus far, so I'll make some comments on the preliminary poll results:

"Which kit(s) will you purchase?"
Base kit 97%, Accent modifier 47%, Katakana alphas 29%, Numpad 25%, Forties 17%
> Following the base kit, the next most popular kits are the Accent Modifier (RGBY) and Katakana sublegend alphas. I'm glad this data can support my push to the lead vendor that these kits should be produced. There was some initial doubt from them about those kits, so I'm happy that this IC can allay those doubts.

"Would you prefer the RGBY novelty keys being opaque or translucent? (Note unless there is a strong opinion for opaque, it will likely remain translucent to reduce costs). Opaque will be more expensive, and might need a separate kit."
> 65% prefer semi-transparent (current iteration), 9% prefer opaque, and 34% are fine with either
>> I will keep them translucent

"Would you prefer the gray WASDZ arrow novelty keys to be opaque or translucent?"
> 50% are ambivalent, 37% are translucent, and 11% prefer opaque.
>> I personally also fall in the ambivalent camp, but lean towards opaque a touch (hence its current iteration). There's not really a noticeable cost-difference between either option, and given that nearly 40% are expressing a preference for the grays in the novelty to be translucent as well, I'm thinking of changing it to translucent too. I think it'll look fine either way.

On a side note, I went with the medium gray to reference the 64 controller instead of the dark gray of the handheld buttons as I thought it looked a bit more harmonious amidst the other brighter coloured keycaps.
The novelty gray Z button is a reference to the trigger button, and is also there with the left WASD cluster to be a little more symmetrical to the coloured HHKB RGBY accents.
Due to the staggered alphas on non-ortho layouts, it's not possible to make it look exactly like a D-pad shape, and most FPS gamers use only WASD for their arrows. Forcing a novelty down arrow on the Z or X key seemed awkward.

"If 40s users prefer 1 or 2 x 1.75c spacebars in the  40s kit? (2 would mean a slightly more expensive 40s kit)"
> ~66% would prefer 2 x 1.75c
>> Thus I'm currently leaning towards adding the second 1.75c in the 40s kit, but I'm aware that this a small sample of responders [partly because I added this question late]

"Which Deskmat(s) would you get?"
> Pretendo purple 42%, Gamepad Pattern Purple 28%, Atomic Orbit 24%, Gamepad Pattern Black 21%
>> Nothing surprising here. I don't think I'll cull any at this stage. Atomic Orbit is a bit different and I wasn't sure there'd be people who would like it, but glad to see there's some that do.

re: Deskpad feedback/suggestions
"Anime Waifus please"

"small keyboard size desk pad would be cool"
"Offering a small keyboard size desk pad would be cool, similar to game pad pattern but would be about the size of a tkl"
>> I think it would be a neat idea, and it's something I've done before... but having more SKUs for deskmats will require vendor interest. Also users of 60% aand 65% keyboards require a smaller 'keyboard mat' than TKL users.  Smaller deskmats generally aren't as popular as the traditional 900mm x 400mm format; as the design in the end gets completely covered except for the bits around the border. If there's a bit of interest, I can explore introducing it. With 4 deskmats designs, I need a lot of justification to add more peices.

"i know it's about the atomic purple theme, but a grey colored pretendo would be awesome too"
>> I actually would love to do Pretendo in more colours, and in fact other sizes; i.e. a more vertically orientated mousepad (not deskpad), however I can't really justify adding a new colourway variant of Pretendo at this stage for the Atomic Purple project. I have plans in the way-off future (it's not going to be for a while) at possible other Pretendo deskpad variations in their own GB.

"Kinda flat/grey/boring - if there was one with an RGB accent it would be a cool match."
>> Thanks for the suggestion. Right now I haven't thought of an exact deskpad design that would feature an RGBY accent, that I'm 100% convinced will work, but will dwell on the idea. I couldn't think of a way of neatly incorporating it into the black pattern deskmat, and the point of that 'boring' deskmat is to be understated and not overtly gamer.
I had other fun ideas for gaming-themed deskpad designs, but wasn't sure if I'd get in trouble for artwork with direct illustrations of the gaming systems on them.

And seriously re: Anime waifu. I actually think an atomic purple gamer girl design featuring nostalgic systems/controllers would actually look super nice... so I'll think about it, but I'd probably have to look around and find an artist who can get the vibe right.
« Last Edit: Sat, 15 April 2023, 02:49:13 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline Ciantha

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #31 on: Sat, 15 April 2023, 15:17:22 »
"If 40s users prefer 1 or 2 x 1.75c spacebars in the  40s kit? (2 would mean a slightly more expensive 40s kit)"
> ~66% would prefer 2 x 1.75c
>> Thus I'm currently leaning towards adding the second 1.75c in the 40s kit, but I'm aware that this a small sample of responders [partly because I added this question late]

Yes please, 2 x 1.75u!

The only* 40% that has one 1.75u space bar is the vortex core and that's not really a custom keyboard.
All* other 40% keyboards use either zero or two 1.75u bars.
The reason I don't have any pbtfans sets is that none of them so far have tempted me enough to buy two 40s kits (to get two 1.75u bars). So either zero or two (with my preference being two as I don't buy keycaps that don't have 1.75u bars).

*could there be a 40% keyboard with one 1.75u bar that I don't know of? Sure, but if so it's not remotely common in the 40% community and therefore shouldn't be kitted for in my opinion.

Offline just.hymn

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #32 on: Sun, 16 April 2023, 11:10:45 »
GLWIC!!! DANK Project

Offline hottrout

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #33 on: Tue, 18 April 2023, 13:06:16 »
Ohh boy erm yes please.
Current Daily Driver : Virgo - Ultramarine - Standard Lube  |  WTB : Topre Realforce Hi-Pro, please PM me if you have one for sale.

Systems -
Work |i9-7940x@4.8ghz|32GB(3600)|STRIX-RTX3090Ti|Bespoke Water, 360m Rad|X299 Prime Deluxe|EK x299 Monoblock|Optane 900p|2x1TB 960 Pro|2x10TB Helium|Dell U3415W + Dell UP2116Q
Home |i9-13900ks|32GB(7300)|Rog RTX 4090|Asus Z790 Rog Maximus Hero|Torrent Air|2TB 990 Pro|2TB 990 Pro|Dell AW3423DW QOLED|NEC MultiSync|Drobo16TB
Mining |i5-7500|16GB(2400)|H110 Pro BTC+|8x1080Ti|2x1650Watt PSU

Plus 40 years of collecting retro computers, consoles, games, peripherals, mainframes and mini's as well as their software, keyboards, games and manuals. 100's of systems including every Amiga model made
  Keyboards -
IBM 3101 | IBM 3276 | IBM 5150 | IBM ModelM | Dictaphone Dual Display | Vintage Cherrys (1982 onwards, just about all of them) | Commodore (all of them) | Nixdorf | Siemens | ICL | Apple (all of them) | Filco Majistouch | KBDFans 5degree - Chocolate | Rama M6-B - Moon | CA66 Silver | ClueBoard Graphite/PC | Varmilo VA69M Silver | E7-V1 SE Yellow | Rama U-80 Space Grey | VN66 Navy | BOCC Frosted Polycarbonate | Rama M10-C Midnight | FLX Virgo Teal & Black | Rama M60-A LYN Kuro | Space65 CyberVoyager WhiteGold | Space65 CyberVoyager Terminal | Hyper 7 | Clarabelle Sandblasted Polycarbonate | Elongate Mini 1800 Blue | Petrichor 1800 Red | Vulcan Maja Ergo Green | Think6.5v2 RoboCop | Jacky Bear 65% E-White | Sakabato CB87 TKL Champagne | KCK KY-01 Aquamarine | Jae J-01 F&F E-White & Copper | S7.7 E-White | The Adélie Blue | NIX OxalyS80 LE Dark Polycarbonate | Mesa TKL E-White | Smith & Rune IRON180 Graen/Brass | Skog Reboot Desert | CU7 Black | ROTR Silver & Copper | RAMA Kara Soya | Grid 650 E-White | SIX5 LE Aluminium & Gold | OwLab Voice65 Grey | BOX 75 Black Stainless Steel | Onyx E-White | Ikki68 BT Charcoal | Smith & Rune Iron 165 Graphite & Stainless Steel | Epoch 80% Black | RAMA Thermal SEQ2 Kuro | Paper Crane Gerald65 SE PC & CF | CB1800 ZANBATO | GLiTCH | Eclipse Grey & SS | TGR Tomo Silver | Mountain Ergo Black | Keebwerk NASU Black/Red | Phase One 65 Grey | Command TKL Fire | Chalice Frosted | VIENDI 8L Shadow | | Vulcan Maja PC | Glove 80 | Matrix 8XV 3.0 Starry Night | Sagittarius Grey Lilac | AKB OGR & Numpad Dolch | Type K Black

Offline Zanhana

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #34 on: Tue, 18 April 2023, 19:44:30 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?

DCS, DSS, DSA, or the upcoming MTNU from GMK; or (unsure of the availability of these next ones in doubleshot ABS) KAT, KAM, XVX/KDA, or MDA

that said I understand the reasons for using PBTFans for this set

It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring

least delusional 40s user

DCS is the only cylindrical profile worth using, cope harder normie

Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #35 on: Tue, 18 April 2023, 22:45:35 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?

DCS, DSS, DSA, or the upcoming MTNU from GMK; or (unsure of the availability of these next ones in doubleshot ABS) KAT, KAM, XVX/KDA, or MDA

I daily drive DCS and notice literally 0 difference between it and cherry besides the thickness of the caps (And the easily available relegendables)
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty... Yeah that seems about right.
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Offline Hālian

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #36 on: Wed, 19 April 2023, 10:17:52 »
It's too bad Cherry profile is so painfully mediocre and boring (and to my knowledge PBTFans doesn't offer another profile) because this colorway really deserves better.
I'm curious, what profile would you prefer it be in?
Not who you're asking, I know, but I would prefer SA uniprofile (and uniformly tall).
First off, Furry.

Second off, Besides ergo boards I know SA is a very forgettable/avoidable profile for me. I used to use MT3 regularly but I had to stop because the caps were so tall I was starting to develop pain in my wrists. I ain't gonna mince words, you're asking for a tall order from a set like this rn, and I hate to break it but I doubt you're gonna find many sets like this that'll scratch your particular itch. (I'm actually kinda curious if you've used it yourself)
I know you weren't the one complaining about it being in cherry tho, so I doubt you're actually demanding it be in SA. :)
Unfortunately not yet, mainly for financial reasons (until very recently I was capital-B Broke), but also because most SA sets I find are ABS or a color scheme that doesn't do it for me. ^^; I don't mind cylindrical keycap profiles per se but, especially now I have an ADA-profile set, would prefer spherical ones.

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #37 on: Fri, 21 April 2023, 22:54:59 »
Currently awaiting samples (still a few weeks away). I've had multiple vendors reach out (thanks!) and will confirm the list after samples arrive and are approved. Once samples are approved, I will have better timelines/estimates on production.

I have updated the base kit image with keycap size unit labels for better clarity.

I will investigate including some fun stickers into the base kit for the RGBY relegendables. At the very least, I would like at least 4x 1u cartridge novelty graphic to reference my most played game on that system (pick your starter!). I have designed a whole batch of other sticker icons for the relegendables, but I don't know if I'll get the approval to include them. If that's not possible, I'll make those files available in my discord (there's a preview available on the server) for people to print their own stickers or make them available on something like Redbubble so it's readily accessible. I'm wondering if a standalone relegendables only kit has potential, to utilise them to their full potential. If you're interested, please let me know.

re: Forties kit to include additional 1.75c spacebar
I have asked PBTFans to strongly consider a second 1.75c spacebar in the 40s kit as per suggestions, as it will increase compatibility and interest in that kit, but they have stated that it will not be possible at this stage.  Sorry, I've tried my best to advocate for it, with many messages and screenshots of rationales, but it's unfortunately not possible at this stage. PBTFans have said they may consider adding extra keys to another new model of the 40s kit in the future.
> There was also a neat suggestion to add two 1.5u R1 keys to the 40s kit to give basic Ergodox support (The 40s kit provides enough R3 1.5u keys, and the Base kit has plenty of R4 1.5u keys, three R2 1.5u keys) which is a brilliant idea, but I unfortunately have my hands tied with how the kits/molds of PBTFans are set up.
Thanks for all the artisan collab suggestions.
I've also added a poll to check if there's any interest in Atomic Purple coloured switches. This would only be a recolour of something like the WS Morandi switch. I don't have the expertise to develop a whole new switch on the side. The top housing would be clear purple and the stem would be white (admittedly similar to Lavender linear switches). I could make the stem gray instead too if that's preferred. I'm also exploring potential keyboard collabs too, but it's all very much tentative. A metal artisan collab will happen.

I'm still deciding between opaque gray or translucent gray novelties for the WASDZ keys...

re: Feedback form suggestions/comments:

"Add translucent purple relegendables"
Sorry I don't really have space to add anything further in the base kit.
I'll chuck a question in the feedback form, to see if people would be interested in a relegendables only kit (i.e. 12 x purple,  3 x red, 3 x blue, 3 x green, 3 x yellow), as that would be really fun. I'm hopeful but doubtful there's enough interest to support it. Please let me know if you're keen.
"Command keys in the RGBY modifier kit"
I actually had them included in an initial draft of this kit, but was instructed to cull due to cost :(

"I also am not going to get this set unless there are text mods for the bottom row and for the nav cluster (tkl-full sized). I am not a fan of icon mods on the whole keyset and I know that pbtfans has done text mods in the past, like with their wob/bow sets."
PBTFans base kits either run with icon only mods, or text+icon mods. They rarely do a combination with text mods on bottom row and nav cluster, because it would increase the base kit cost significantly. Particularly re: PBTFans, the community has generally expressed a preference for their icon-only legend modifiers, with many who have strongly voiced their dislike of PBTFans text+icon modifiers.

"I understand the Red, Green, Blue, Yellow caps in the set but if there were an offer to have the arrows be purple too i would go from hesitant to definite"
There are purple base arrows in the base kit. They've just be repositioned in the lower half.

"Prefer for there also to be gray WASDZ with the letters printed"
Sorry, I can only have one version, and after having both types rendered out, I strongly prefer the gray WASDZ novelties without the letters, with triangular arrow only. I wish I can offer both versions, but I can't add anything more at this stage.

"Would be nice if the international keys were sold in smaller groups, for the UK we only need 2 of the keys so spending more than 5/10 for only 2 keys is not worth. Not a problem for this specific set as it happens in most, but would be nice if that could change."
Sorry UK users... I know it sucks, but all PBTFans don't have UK legend molds in their base kit.

"Gray L and R keys, plus a red Enter key"
Sorry no room for more novelties. I get that it would tie even more closer to the controller, but I don't think it would fit that well alongside the keyset design.
I had also considered gray bottom row modifier A, B, start/select bar novelty keys too, but I couldn't visualise it aesthetically meshing well despite it being a closer match thematically.
« Last Edit: Sat, 22 April 2023, 02:31:31 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #38 on: Sun, 23 April 2023, 17:52:55 »
Would be nice if the international keys were sold in smaller groups, for the UK we only need 2 of the keys so spending more than 5/10 for only 2 keys is not worth.

On a TKL there's six keys for ISO-UK in addition to short LShift and ISO enter. This person's asking too much of you. I don't know what layout this person uses to only need two UK-specific keys but there is six we need. For what it's worth I am perfectly fine with the £25-29 that the international kit on this will probably cost (compared PBTfans Spark Light and Retro Dark Lights on ProtoTypist).

Sorry you couldn't talk some sense into PBTfans on the specific requests people have. I've redone the IC form to hopefully help you out. I have a lot of boards I think this set will work with so I'm eagerly anticipating this set!
« Last Edit: Sun, 23 April 2023, 18:00:46 by aicyborg »

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #39 on: Mon, 24 April 2023, 23:24:22 »
The relegendable RGBY keys on R1, will become translucent RGBY as the base, instead of the current opaque representation in the base kit image.
This will match it more consistently with the other RGBY keys.

To cost-optimise the base kit, I am strongly considering splitting off the additional spacebars (2.25, 2.75, 2.00, 6.00, 3.00 x 2) from the base kit to its own spacebar kit.
This way I can include additional 6.25 and 7.00 spacebars in both translucent purple and accent opaque white too.

Here's a half-assed diagram of what the spacebar kit would look like ;D (based on PBTFans Basin spacebar kit):

Another advantage of doing this, it means that those who get Katakana alphas, alongside the base kit  will have a bit more flexibility when it comes to potentially using the set to fill out two keyboards.
Currently you can pretty much fill out two keyboards with just the base kit (inc. novelties) and the katakana alpha kit. There is a R2 1.50 "64 Cartridge" novelty that physically functions as an additional 'Tab' key that can be utilised with the additional alphas to fill out a second keyboard. Given the large amount of novelties, there's a fair bit of extra flexibility in how you can make the second keyboard look (although you just have to keep in mind there's only one 1.75u shift key, and only one additional 2.25u shift key; so generally it's a 65% and a TKL).

I will update the main post with new revised renders and kits once I can confirm the kit changes and have samples in hand to check that the renders are a close match.
« Last Edit: Mon, 24 April 2023, 23:34:54 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #40 on: Wed, 21 June 2023, 20:53:31 »
I keep dreaming thinking about this. Any updates? Did the samples you mentioned above arrive? Prayge...

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #41 on: Wed, 21 June 2023, 22:43:24 »
I keep dreaming thinking about this. Any updates? Did the samples you mentioned above arrive? Prayge...

Awaiting the first round of samples that were recently shipped.
Here is a quick photo I was sent:

Hard to say too much about it from just photographs.
I'll post another update when it's actually in my hands and I can view it from several angles/lighting conditions.
I'll also compare it alongside the N64 controller, GBC and RG35xx purple cases I have, but I'm keeping in mind I'm not going for an exact 100% replication given that's ultimately going to be rather difficult given one is a keycap with a white double shot material immediately under the top layer, and the other are controller cases with lots of empty space beneath the shell.

Offline AmethystDCVR

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #42 on: Thu, 22 June 2023, 03:58:43 »
this is actually going to be the first time pbtfans offer doubleshot katakana? or do i assume its doubleshot only latin and uv printed subs

Offline firimp

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #43 on: Thu, 22 June 2023, 09:07:35 »
this is actually going to be the first time pbtfans offer doubleshot katakana? or do i assume its doubleshot only latin and uv printed subs

I believe the katakana subs are UV printed. If it is a triple shot, there should be another trapezoidal shaped white plastic underneath the translucent layer, just like the PBTFANS neon. Besides, the only triple shot mold that PBTFANS have is hiragana. 

Offline Kokaloo

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #44 on: Wed, 09 August 2023, 21:16:09 »
update!!!! one of my favs rn

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #45 on: Thu, 10 August 2023, 00:14:04 »
+1 to above. Literally the set I am the most excited for on the horizon. The RGBY kit's grown on me a lot (I wasn't happy with Retro Dark Light's RGBY but this looks to be much better and would work with the translucent set from that).

I'd love to have this in my hands maybeeeee Q1 next year, if that seems at all possible?

Offline LOL WTH

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #46 on: Wed, 04 October 2023, 08:10:16 »
I keep dreaming thinking about this. Any updates? Did the samples you mentioned above arrive? Prayge...

Awaiting the first round of samples that were recently shipped.
Here is a quick photo I was sent:
Show Image

Hard to say too much about it from just photographs.
I'll post another update when it's actually in my hands and I can view it from several angles/lighting conditions.
I'll also compare it alongside the N64 controller, GBC and RG35xx purple cases I have, but I'm keeping in mind I'm not going for an exact 100% replication given that's ultimately going to be rather difficult given one is a keycap with a white double shot material immediately under the top layer, and the other are controller cases with lots of empty space beneath the shell.

Any updates on the physical samples they sent to you?

Offline Bobatype

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #47 on: Wed, 04 October 2023, 09:21:28 »
Round 3 of Purple sample is on its way to me. I'm hopeful it's the last round.
Photo from the manu in the interim:

Apologies, I could not be bothered posting Round 2 samples and my thoughts on them 2 months ago, but here's a pic of them, compared to R1 (R1 is top row).

Essentially I was pretty happy with all the RGBY and grey, but wanted another round of Purple (R2 was a lot better and closer to atomic purple, but now felt too desaturated thus detrimental to the overall aesthetic).
For more specific details (from my discord):

R2 is right column. Sorry not sorry for the low camera quality and weird lighting (it was two separate days/locations in the house).
Please note the following comments are based on my eye test next to Pantone reference codes (that won't be disclosed) in various lighting conditions (daytime and night time) over several days. I do not have a professional color analytical machine.

R2 Purple: It was too saturated/bright in R1, but I feel that R2 is a bit too desaturated and not really violet/purple enough. I'm trying to hit that sweet spot between R1 and R2. It went too far the other way and now too diluted (although it's much closer to the OEM atomic purple).
Somehow R2 it's looking quite close to Pantone 4107 C, which is not the reference I requested. So, I'm trying to figure out how to get the best match to the color code I request, as the translucency is totally a pain affecting the matching; which is leading to a some trial/error at this stage.
Also it's subtle, but the atomic purple shell between the GBC and N64 controller is a bit different too, which doesn't help lol. As such I'm not aiming for 100% accuracy , but I'd like to hit somewhere close enough to honor the spirit of the original, whilst still looking nice (I do think leaning into a little bit more saturation/brightness is prettier for the keycaps; this is ofc a subjective opinion).

Red: R2 is good. R1 was way too light/orange. Finalised.
Green: Deeper color is nicer. It's no longer being matched to the button, but a separate pantone, so it's now more emerald than the lighter green button of the N64 controller or green letter of the Color logo, but I prefer it like so. I like deeper due to the translucency washing the colors out. Finalised.
Yellow: Good. R2 is a bit more ochre than R1, which is exactly what I wanted. Finalised.
Blue: N/A: No change from R1. There were no new samples sent as R1 was good. Finalised.
Grey: Opaque looks better than translucent (R1), which was too light. Do note the GBC grey face buttons are a lot darker than the grey of the N64 buttons, but I didn't think going darker would harmonise well. Finalised
« Last Edit: Wed, 04 October 2023, 09:25:01 by bobasweatandtears »

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #48 on: Wed, 04 October 2023, 16:25:36 »
I'm still just as excited for this set as I ever was, glad for an update so I know it isn't dead! Personally I'm done with GMK because of the frustratingly slow GB model, the kitting's usually not what I want, and the cost. Of course there's drawbacks to PBTfans too (I wish they used the Cherry font, but I get why they don't/can't) but overall, PBTfans does a lot right and I'm still so happy to support this.
« Last Edit: Wed, 04 October 2023, 19:26:31 by aicyborg »

Offline Xury46

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Re: [IC] PBTFans Atomic Purple
« Reply #49 on: Wed, 04 October 2023, 16:48:58 »
Thank you for the update! I'm really excited for this set, the samples are looking good!