geekhack Community > Other Geeky Stuff

New Dell 3008 monitor...


Whiskey in the Jar-o:
has a glossy screen! Yippee!

not a fan of shiny monitors

Whiskey in the Jar-o:

--- Quote from: karlito ---not a fan of shiny monitors
--- End quote ---

If you control the ambient lighting, they are great. Also, I tend to use mine mainly for text, with light-colored backgrounds. But white on a black bacground can be annoying (hear that iMav?).

i dont know every time i used one i got annoyed that it was like looking at a mirror and i could see stuff behind me.

i love my dell 2405 and i love my friends dell 2407-HC even more... it has 92% color gamut and no glossyness.


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