geekhack Community > Input Devices
Razer Tartarus v2 Mechanical Switch and RP2040 Mod
--- Quote from: blondie on Wed, 13 March 2024, 08:34:43 ---This is great. I like seeing new stuff added to QMK, and I never understood the bloated gaming software needed to run these peripherals (and which I can't run anyway under Linux).
I guess the idea is to use this in conjunction with a mouse in the right hand. It would be awesome if there were a 3D printable model of the Tartarus so that you could have a second one for the right hand. This could be useful for games which use two analog joysticks, or perhaps a small trackball or trackpad could be used in its place.
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Yeah, so generally this in your left hand and mouse in your right. For FPS games it makes things like slide shotting or fast switching etc really efficient, especially with key actions mapped to the d-pad. I generally have jump, crouch, reload and action/interact on the d-pad. I find this just generally makes my left thumb more useful - as it can hit 4-5 keys vs just being the spacebar masher on a keyboard.
I'd love to progress this into a more open source solution that uses 3d printed parts. It would be awesome to have the d-pad element become a modular piece. Then you could drop in one with a d-pad, one with analogue thumbstick, one with multiple smaller buttons (like the Razer Naga mouse).
Will the files for the PCBs you designed be available at some point?
--- Quote from: MizterWizter on Wed, 13 March 2024, 18:04:35 ---Will the files for the PCBs you designed be available at some point?
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They could do with a gentle revision before I'd want to set them free and I haven't had time.
If you wanted to have a go as they are, I could send you a set if you cover the pcb and postage costs.
--- Quote from: Lostdotfish on Wed, 13 March 2024, 14:12:51 ---
Yeah, so generally this in your left hand and mouse in your right. For FPS games it makes things like slide shotting or fast switching etc really efficient, especially with key actions mapped to the d-pad. I generally have jump, crouch, reload and action/interact on the d-pad. I find this just generally makes my left thumb more useful - as it can hit 4-5 keys vs just being the spacebar masher on a keyboard.
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Your process documentation is outstanding, you made it very easy to follow along.
I've always loved the idea of the Nostromo style pads. However, I feel like 19 keys on the keypad are just excessive.
I'm curious to know what you'd consider as the bare minimum number of rows and columns of keys required for the majority of your usage.
--- Quote from: Axiom_ on Thu, 04 April 2024, 00:20:24 ---
--- Quote from: Lostdotfish on Wed, 13 March 2024, 14:12:51 ---
Yeah, so generally this in your left hand and mouse in your right. For FPS games it makes things like slide shotting or fast switching etc really efficient, especially with key actions mapped to the d-pad. I generally have jump, crouch, reload and action/interact on the d-pad. I find this just generally makes my left thumb more useful - as it can hit 4-5 keys vs just being the spacebar masher on a keyboard.
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Your process documentation is outstanding, you made it very easy to follow along.
I've always loved the idea of the Nostromo style pads. However, I feel like 19 keys on the keypad are just excessive.
I'm curious to know what you'd consider as the bare minimum number of rows and columns of keys required for the majority of your usage.
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I used to use the earlier versions of this pad with less keys. It's fine but I do find that I use most of the pad on a lot of the games I play.
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