geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

Poker keyboard pre-order interest

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Do you have any sort of timeframe for the keyboards getting here (would it be like 6 weeks from order for example)-- are the red ones on a more serious delay from the other boards as sixty noted?

(1) Cherry MX Brown.

(1) Cherry MX Red
(1) Set of PBT Caps (if possible)


--- Quote from: Corland;309984 ---Do you have any sort of timeframe for the keyboards getting here (would it be like 6 weeks from order for example)-- are the red ones on a more serious delay from the other boards as sixty noted?
--- End quote ---

The reds will take longer then the rest...same as with Sixty's order.

Note, if you are in the EU, you must order through Sixty (similarly, if you are in the US or Canada you should jump on this order).

We'll handle it the same as geekhack key group buys, the SP orders, etc.  I will post instructions for order and you will paypal the required funds.  I'm going to assume we will have plenty of interest, so stay tuned for the official order instructions later this weekend (perhaps tonight if I get a reply to my last inquiry from the supplier).

would be interested in:
(1) - MX Brown

also, may possibly be interested in PBT keycaps


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