what in the actual fudge is that markup
Classic Candykeys pricing on deskmats. Ridiculous.
Managed to get it down to 25 EUR. Updated.
Still higher than any other EU Proxy (Hint: there's only one other legitimate EU Proxy)
Stop partnering with Candykeys. Not because of liability issues but because of their greediness.
Why would you say that? What is that for bias thing to say? Exactly this is the type of comments we do not like to see, it only creates separation and unnecessary taking of sides, What else shows that we are greedy?
Many are asking how this cost is calculated:
Take the cost of a deskmat, we can not write it down what it is but you can guess. This is not a NK or DM set, so the manufacturing pricing is kinder to us, a lot kinder.
A deskmat weighs at around 1kg, if not more, it is a big one. From weighing the older desk-mats, it is clear. 1KG from Asia on average costs 8-11 EUR, we are not in America, they are also high volume products and not "sleekly packed"
Price of Deskmat + 9 EUR
We have import fees, we import using DHL and TNT, so they will correctly place the Deskmat under a HS Code of Rubber. We can not do anything about it, Shirts from TKC land under the same style fee, so do plastic pellets that we import for our own plastic injection molding. This ranges from experience to be around a 15% tax, that we do not get back, as it is a so to say import "fine" on rubber. AKA, we are looking at a further price increase of (Deskmat + 9 EUR * 1,15) - Not to mention that we ignore the 25 EUR import set fee, and then there SOMETIMES is a financing fee for the import depending on the courier, which is 2.5%
Keyboards, Switches, Electronics do not fall under this import fee.
You are stuck at that price, now you have a 19% tax on sales, which USA does not have (they also have half the shipping price (woo economy!) and they have no import fees (love China)), so lets say 30 EUR sales price is 30/1,19=25,00 EUR
You have free shipping to all common EU countries above 50,00 EUR, so that is easily -10 EUR for our half, while the nice guys you mentioned have shipping costs for countries.
AND we are also not counting in 1-3% Credit Card + PayPal fees in that price, forget designer fees, any profits for anyone here with such price sadly.
Does this put the price into perspective?
GMK Apollo Base pricing is priced so that its non-profit (legal amount before the commerce authorities knock on our door for underpricing) until a much higher quantity, so there is also no designer profit there, and we are working on those for free unless we hit a certain MOQ.
Other products that people might think as being expensive are: RAMA Keys (full under Aluminium in Import), KBDFans Kits, NK Deskmats (Manufacturing Price is 3x as high) and possibly some other small things.
If you want to take this up further then please e-mail personally at support@candykeys.com as GH is really hard to follow at times.