geekhack Community > Keyboards

I'm in the market for a certain type of keyboard.

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I know that isn't a very descriptive title but I'm in the market for one right now and I don't know where else to go for it outside of another forum site entirely.
I've been into mechanical keyboards for a long time, I've used a couple over the years.
Also while I like membrane keyboards quite a bit as well, they can't seem to offer the performance I need.
I'd be interested to see if there's high-tier ones out there though.

But anyways, here's my situation. I want the "Sony MDR-7506" equivalent of keyboards, if one exists.

I've found for nearly every piece of hardware, there's something along the lines of a piece of hardware that just *does the job* perfectly. I'm not in the market for crazy features, I don't give a darn about back-lighting or looks. I want something that gets the job done well. Not another branded garbage item that will break on me in a year after dropping 80$ on it.

Here's my criteria:
> 0-165$
> Avoid brands like Razer & Steelseries
> It's fine if it's plastic, but it has to be good plastic. Bonus points if It's aluminum
> Preferably 100%, I *can* go without a numpad but I prefer having one, as well as media keys but that's also something I can go without
> Standard Layout (qwerty, sorry to dvorak users but I keep it the same-old same-old)
> Low latency (wired, I'm open to the PS/2 cord stuff but it's still new to me)
> Doesn't require additional drivers
> Preferably not a custom

Other than that, feel free to pitch weird stuff to fit the bill.
I'm looking for performance.

My current board is a Leopold FC660M, if this helps at all.
I like brown switches, keyboards that go "thonk"


Thank you Caezar, but I forgot to add I would prefer it not be a "custom"/"build it yourself" thing as I don't have the time for it.
Also from my past experiences with Keychron they have high wired latency, I don't know if it was just the model but that's my main gripe with it.

Nice profile image by the way :D

It looks as if you already have the answer - what's wrong with your FC660M, other than the layout?

Leopold MX keyboards are commonly understood to be the best performance per price-point. They are the most rugged and come with good stabilizers [for a pre-built].

I had a full-size [100%] in MX Brown. The Browns were very mediocre, so that was a weak point. My Filco had better. But it's a crap-shoot with the switches.

If you're not getting a Leopold 100%, then you have
-Filco [very durable, but uses Co-Star stabilizers, and comes with thin ABS keycaps]
-Varmilo [these are often very nice, but less durable than Filco /
-Ducky [believed to be a half-tier lower than these others, but many of their MX Brown full-size keyboards are reportedly great].

In my experience, the only 'mod' that 100% MX Brown keyboards need are DCS-profile keycaps.

What are these factory keyboards lacking that prompts your inquiry?

Actually the only issue with my Leopold is the fact it's 6KRO and I wanted something a little bit higher in build quality.
The keyboard I'm looking at right now is actually a FC900R, because It's full-size & has the NKRO.
I was purely asking because I was curious if it was a similar situation to headphones in the sense that I've spent a lot of money on the popular brand stuff just to find out I could buy the studio headphones and have to never replace them ever again.
Thank you for the reply, I love Leopold for that exact reason. They're built to last and they have pretty unrivaled performance for that price-range.
I'm not that big into keyboards but that's what I've gathered at least.


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