geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders
[GB] DCS Vert - Complete
malignant narcissism:
--- Quote from: codog on Fri, 13 October 2023, 07:47:12 ---has anyone gotten their set from thockeys?
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De nada
--- Quote from: codog on Fri, 13 October 2023, 07:47:12 ---has anyone gotten their set from thockeys?
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my boi had a car accident give him time
apparently switchkeys [AU] delivered my set on friday. will check it when i'm in office next week.
lol SP finally fixed the " key mold
--- Quote from: malignant narcissism on Sun, 24 September 2023, 12:46:11 ---
--- Quote from: mcmcmc on Thu, 21 September 2023, 00:11:14 ---dcs vert are starting to arrive at vendors. sometimes SP uses incorrect mold, i’ll check and request for replacements before shipping to you.
replacement keys: tilde
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Where did the pink novelties come from? I don't remember that being an option through the vendor I purchased them from. It's not an issue-- just curious.
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Ironically, I had asked for salmon-orange novelties during the IC phase. Those SA keys are pretty much the exact shade I was thinking of!
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