geekhack Marketplace > Artisan Services

[Artisan] Crookey Raffle - [Shadow Knight R1] in reply.

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Crookey [Christmas second raffle] live soon.

The keycaps of this raffle is  [Golden reindeer] & [Golden angel].
These are very heavy keycaps!

These plated versions were made to celebrate Christmas and will not go on raffle in the future.

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Form open ~ closes : 2023/12/23/pm 10:00  (GMT+9 / KST) ~ 12/24/pm 10:00 (GMT+9 / KST)  24 hours

Crookey raffle [Little Star (ruby cubic)] !

Unlike [Little Star R1] which was made out of wax carving, [Little Star (ver.2)] was made out of engraving setting.

The raffle of this keycap (basic Little Star with ruby cubic) will only be held once, and no other rounds will be held.
[Little Star] series will change the gemstone in the center and will be raffled each round once as an event.

Form link -

🍀 Entry : Sat. 30 Dec 10pm ~ Sun. 31 Dec 10pm KST (GMT +9)

Crookey  [Dragon 01] raffle live soon.

This new artisan series [Dragon] was made to celebrate Year of Wood(Blue) Dragon.

Form link -

Form open ~ closes : 2024/01/06/pm 10:00  (GMT+9 / KST) ~ 01/07/pm 10:00 (GMT+9 / KST)  24 hours

Crookey  [White Tiger R1] raffle live soon.

The keycap of this raffle is  [White Tiger] inspired by <Four Guardian Gods> from Eastern Myth.

Form link -

Form open ~ closes : 2024/01/13/pm 10:00  (GMT+9 / KST) ~ 01/14/pm 10:00 (GMT+9 / KST)  24 hours

Crookey raffle [Silver Mirror Cube R1] !

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🍀 Entry : Wed. 17 Jan 10pm ~ Thu. 18 Jan 10pm KST (GMT +9)


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