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Will Elon Musk make Twitter more chaotic than it is already ?

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--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Mon, 24 July 2023, 19:50:16 ---
--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Mon, 24 July 2023, 18:56:12 ---
lawsuits and has conflicts

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Looking forward to copyrighting and trademarking a letter of the alphabet ....

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It's already happened, I believe Microsoft owns the rights to x (related to xbox) and a band in japan owns the X trademark as well, which is why the name change hasn't occurred in Japan, It's so strange that common words like sky and even letters like X can be trademarked, but that's capitalism I guess...

With this X rebranding, hasn't he already?

I've seen lots of references to Monty Python's "Dead Parrot" sketch lately ...

The platform with the blue bird: Twitter, is now an X-platform.


--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Fri, 04 August 2023, 05:01:49 ---I like the idea of a place to spout random brain salad. Everyone comes up with a few worthy sayings in their lives, some more than others
Twitter started to fail once it became a platform for changing ideas, rather than sharing them.

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Yeah that was probably me exaggerating a bit too much. Despite how much the platform is a mess (even back in "the good old days") it was and kinda still is an extremely important source of news as it was the fastest way to hear about things and that journalists could use it to build off for their own stories, and for people to self promote what they want. It's great at that and pretty much only that.


--- Quote from: Rhienfo on Fri, 04 August 2023, 06:21:04 ---
an extremely important source of news as it was the fastest way to hear about things

journalists could use it to build off

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It has always boggled my mind (buggered my mind?) to think that people would use social media as a "news source" ....

I guess what you are saying is that you can dip into the sewer at any time of day or night and pull up some fertilizer.


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