geekhack Community > New Members

Hello Everyone :D


I was lurking the forum for a while before it had problems.
I first arrived here, thanks to Google, because I was looking for informations about mech keyboards.
It quickly has become a passion, even if I don't know as much as other person here do.

I just wanted to say a big thanks to the person that created the forum, he/they have made a pretty good job, and it has now become a place where I come every days :)

PS: Sorry for the mistakes I made, English is only my third language :(

Hello and welcome! GH is a fun place to visit indeed.


--- Quote from: Sifo on Thu, 26 July 2012, 05:49:52 ---Hello and welcome! GH is a fun place to visit indeed.

--- End quote ---
Indeed :D I really enjoy, even more since I started posting instead of just lurking ^^


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