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Mandolin Awesome sculpture

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Reminds me of Ray's old avatar.  Or this guy from El Topo.

Is it nuke proof? Does it come with unique and special holy crystals to focus psychic powers through?

I can't afford it, but this is really cool.

The tactile component of fondling it must be very nice, but what is a viable option for display?


--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Sun, 06 April 2014, 18:14:54 ---I can't afford it, but this is really cool.

The tactile component of fondling it must be very nice, but what is a viable option for display?

--- End quote ---

Sure, the guanaco fleece is about 16 um, super soft and the colors are stunning live. I even used a little bit of my vicuna stash for the mustache. The ancient inca emperors only used vicuna fiber clothing and if you research about it, you'll see it's about as premium as it gets in regards of the animal hair realm.

It stands on any flat surface, but I could make a base if the buyer wants, or maybe a hanging thingy. It could also be put in one of those acrylic pods for warhammer minis and the result would be like zordon from the power rangers.


I'm kinda new here...

But WHAT IS THIS?  :eek:


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