Author Topic: My AEK broke  (Read 1279 times)

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Offline iri

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My AEK broke
« on: Sat, 07 December 2024, 13:08:38 »
I always used my old AEK with the Tinkerboy controller. It worked flawlessly, then was put into storage for a while, then when I tried to use it again, it just wouldn't work. The keyboard will blink the LED's when plugged in, but that's all it does. No keypress registers at all.

I'm on Linux and dmesg's output correctly identifies the controller when it's plugged in, so I think the problem is in the board itself.

I captured the USB output with Wireshark and it kind of confirmed my hypothesis about the keyboard itself being broken and the controller healthy. I would get traffic when the board is plugged/unplugged, but whenever I hit the keys, I'd get nothing.

I can guarantee that nothing was spilled on the board, but can't guarantee that it wasn't knocked.

Any ideas on how to repair it?
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline Findecanor

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Re: My AEK broke
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 07 December 2024, 23:29:33 »
I see nothing obviously wrong on the PCB. Have you tried both ADB ports? With another converter?

I would test the capacitors with a multimeter (that has such a function) to see if one could have dried out.