geekhack Community > Keyboards

New member review posted - SMK88


Our second member-provided product review has been posted on the wiki.  

Check it out here.

As always, if you wish to have a review posted on the wiki, PM me and let me know.

Whiskey in the Jar-o:
Excellent review. I think the board looks good, and I had almost bought the thing. So many people complain about the stiffness of MX Linear switches. And yet it's the most common switch used. I wonder why. Anyway, I think I will most definitely steer clear of MX linear.

They feel like they are meant to mimic the membranes or something.

I actually really like the feel of the keys on my SMK-88 (typing on it now).  However, mine has the blue tactile Cherry switches as opposed to the linear switches on your (and ashort's) SMK-88's.  

I do agree that the passthrough USB 2.0 setup is stupid.  Why not simply make the entire device 2.0, require only one USB connection to your computer, and have a built-in hub with 2 (or more) ports?  

Overall, I really do like mine (which is why I am still using it).  Since I own two of them, i will likely pass along one to my kids when I get home...


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