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Polycarbonate Series! AVAILABLE NOW!
--- Quote from: pr0ximity on Tue, 03 September 2013, 08:04:03 ---I remember hearing rumor there were polycarb spacebars coming down the line. is this still the case/how are they going? I can imagine them looking pretty slick!
--- End quote ---
All the things polycarb are slick!
andddd.... they arrived!! ;D :p
Fire Brand:
O: I got the original mana and health but I have, Must get the Poloycarb ones they look so awesome :D
(Edit) Just ordered them o: they look too good almost like sweets :3
I just want to say I received the key caps today. Flew all the way to Malaysia. Thanks. And also thank you for the one free keycap. That's unexpected and a very nice gesture!!!
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