Any word on when you'll be re-stocking PCB mount MX-Clears, White Leopold 750R's?
Also, do you think you'll ever get PCB mount Cherry Silent Reds/Blacks?
Lastly, authentic Cherry stabilizers (perhaps some of Sprit's gold plated ones)?
PCB Mount Clears: As always, Cherry MX switches are restocked just as soon as Cherry gets them to us. We have no timeline, but a revolving door for receipt.
PCB'Mount Silent Switches: I would like to think so, but we have zero time frame for them as they don't appear to yet exist since most keyboard manufacturers are clamoring for the Plate mounts for their keyboard models.
Cherry Stabilizers: Yes, we are looking to have them added to our website very soon.
Sprit's Gold Stabs: Maybe...but no ETA atm