geekhack Marketplace > Drop

Mito's Godspeed

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Wait for Classic Space, it'll be better anyways.


--- Quote from: BaconEggandCheeseBagel on Tue, 02 February 2016, 16:31:30 ---Figured it was because of the pulse stuff - honestly I would call him the crybaby.... Someone making a set to just bait him out of spite is more suggestive of childish behavior ;)

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I think he just moved Godspeed to the summer. I like that one more than Pulse so I'll be waiting for it. A nice set is a nice set. I could care less who makes it.


--- Quote from: fliptrik on Tue, 02 February 2016, 18:01:56 ---I think he just moved Godspeed to the summer. I like that one more than Pulse so I'll be waiting for it. A nice set is a nice set. I could care less who makes it.

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yep, same boat here-- could care less about the drama, i'll purchase the product that appeals to me most. (absent any egregious wrong-doing ofc, e.g. killing baby elephants  :'( ) 

That said I would of much rather preferred Godspeed over Pulse being released first, AND i do like the shade of cyan used in Flatline more.

decision, decisions

Didn't he try to stop someone from making a set with similar colors? Guess that other set can take off now that this one's on halt.


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