geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps

Comfort of ABS vs. PBT?

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I know PBT keycaps are generally considered to be higher quality, but I have very sensitive fingers and have found that ABS keycaps have a softer, gentler, lighter feel for me.

Am I crazy, or is there something to this?

I also feel like the more slippery texture of ABS keycaps is somehow easier on my fingers, as well.

I'm autistic, and because of the sensory issues that go along with that, I feel like I'm extra aware of the difference between how PBT and ABS feel. It varies - I can deal with the texture of GMK's MTNU caps that are PBT, while Drop's PBT MT3 caps, and 21KB's Cherry caps just feel too... dry? chalky? to type on for very long. ABS just feels softer and glossier and more pleasing, generally. I don't think either plastic is inherently better or worse than the other.


--- Quote from: alexcr on Wed, 18 September 2024, 07:40:51 ---I know PBT keycaps are generally considered to be higher quality, but I have very sensitive fingers and have found that ABS keycaps have a softer, gentler, lighter feel for me.

Am I crazy, or is there something to this?

I also feel like the more slippery texture of ABS keycaps is somehow easier on my fingers, as well.

--- End quote ---

I would say the only clear advantages PBT has over ABS is that it is more durable and lighter colors resist fading over the years. Even the durability is only really relevant in terms of friction and oils causing shine (possibly oils... I have my doubts and think the shiny, slippery end result skews perceptions). Structurally, ABS can last for decades if you don't have it sitting in sunlight or under a cube-farm's worth of fluorescent tubes.

ABS is also better behaved during the manufacturing process, especially for double-shot and for larger keys (many vintage keyboards will have PBT everywhere except the spacebar). Some particularly vibrant colors also seem to work better for ABS.

Basically, they're a little different, but one is not inherently better.  If you prefer ABS, then enjoy!

The "PBT is generally better than ABS" rule only applies to stock keycaps on prebuilt keyboards.

Tons of community favorite keycaps are made out of ABS, but at the end of the day it's all preference. Use what you like and don't listen to the unnecessary elitism.

The surface texture on keycaps varies widely between different manufacturers, and is not merely a question of material.

... But an ABS surface will wear shiny faster. I have some shiny PBT keys on my daily driver that I've used for a decade.

Once shiny, I think ABS offers more friction against a fingertip — and more friction gives better grip and higher accuracy and more comfortable feel IMHO.


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