geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps

Custom Keycap Ideas Thread - all ideas welcome

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I like the red legends, but the legibility could be a problem, given that the blueish-green and red look the same for some people with colorblindness. You could add contrast by making the reds lighter, but I don't think that's the look you're going for. So the cream legends are probably the better compromise.

Here's the first example of a more color-safe version of the set, which I am calling SA Welles.

Here's an idea I am kicking around based on my Navy service- calling it DCS Greyhound.

A new Idea I'm kicking around with Neue Legends.

Chrie Liner:
If you are interested in colorful titanium keycaps, you can check out the customization options here. Almost any pattern can be customized and the color will not fade.


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