geekhack Marketplace > Classifieds

Price Check- What's it Worth?

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Got your $40 right here send me a PM

I'd say $60-75

Price check on original KBC poker abs caps?


--- Quote from: snowboarder3;601469 ---Price check on original KBC poker abs caps?
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--- Quote from: snowboarder3;601469 ---
Price check on original KBC poker abs caps?
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--- Quote from: boost;601128 ---What's a candy corn esc worth(cherry mx) ? :D
--- End quote ---

Fixing a real number for this item is hard. It is the only blank tricolor "officially sold" by cc. It was sold by EK for $19 USD. As a reference most of the single color skulls sold by EK, were sold for $ 9 cc and some of them have been sold for more than $40.

IMHO its price is base on the offert/demand.
Whatever number you get from someone around here is base on "pure expeculation ".


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