geekhack Community > Ergonomics

What is the most optimized layout recently?

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I use QGMLWB, which I understand to be somewhat optimized, but I don't know how much. (I'm happier with it than with QWERTY. It's hard to learn a new layout though.)
I suspect there's better ones, but I don't know how much better they may be.

I trained myself to use RSTHD and run that layout on Minidox and Atreus.

There is no point holding off for the "perfect layout". Choose any well regarded layout and you will be in a vastly better position than sticking with QWERTY. Switch once and get quicker through practice.

It is also worth remembering that the vast majority of books, articles, or other writing that has persuaded you or made you think, or be happy angry or sad, will have been written on QWERTY. Nobody finishes a modern classic and says "nice book but if only they had used a more optimised key layout". Not to mention virtually every piece of software that you use, directly or indirectly, written on QWERTY too. QWERTY is not a great layout, but it is humbling to realise that people vastly more talented than us have managed to create their works despite that.


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