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[MO] The Geekhack Spring for switch modding (~50g)

<< < (2/30) > >>

YES.  I would need about 2 sets.

Sixty, would these have more turns than a cherry brown spring, or less? or even the same?

How are the spring parameters in comparison to regular cherry red springs, less steep of force/mm slope?

I don't think conical springs would fit the cherry stem and base correctly..

Two sets for me, please.

I am interested in testing modified Cherry MX clears.

Actually one other question, would it be possible to make the same springs as are found in cherry greens?  You could change a whole cherry blue board into a cherry green board with this..


--- Quote from: elbowglue;258526 ---Actually one other question, would it be possible to make the same springs as are found in cherry greens?  You could change a whole cherry blue board into a cherry green board with this..
--- End quote ---

Yeah, its possible. They can make any type of springs and even clone existing ones. The problem is that small orders are not cost effective at all.

100 springs = $240 usd if you were to only order 100.

If this first order for the "smooth springs" as I like to call them works out we can do other orders too, as long as we reach a decent minimum (1000 total springs or more). The whole thing is not cost effective before a minimum of 1000 springs, since they are all not in stock and totally custom made. Most people seem to dislike greens, might be hard to find enough interested people.

2 sets for me - plz


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