I totally forgot I had this board... Long story short, after reading Geek Hack recently I realized all my mechanical keyboards were POS and thought that I probably had an old $5 rubber dome laying around in my basement.
My plan was to find a $5 rubber dome keyboard (anyone would do) and quit touch-typing: it was all being "open minded" and typing with two fingers in a "hunt and peck" style because it's all a matter of personal preferences anyway. Really, all the trolls ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H ^H nice people here had me convinced: old rubber dome was to be my new way of typing.
Then behind boxes I noticed a keyboard and thought I had my old $5 rubber dome!
But then no luck, it turned out to be a board I totally forgot I had (I think I've got it since 1998): a "Darwin Keyboards ltd" model "SmartBoard". It's a split-mechanical keyboard using white ALPS. On the back there's a website:
http://www.darwinkeyboards.com but apparently nowadays it's just a link farm.
Maybe that Darwin Keyboards ltd became DataDesk?