Author Topic: Help me take a leap...  (Read 1898 times)

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Offline notageek

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Help me take a leap...
« on: Wed, 13 June 2012, 18:56:01 »
Hey everyone, just looking for some general advice as I consider a major keyboard purchase. I almost feel like I should apologize for the name first. I'm...not a computer person by nature, but a disability has made computers my window to the outside world so I now spend most of my alert hours on them and I've certainly developed an appreciation for the skill and knowledge of the geeks who help me out. :)

After several years I'm finally getting around to optimizing my setup so that it's actually easy to use (snuggling in bed with a giant Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro is anything but natural) and after a lot of research am fairly certain I want a quieter mechanical as reduced fatigue, enjoyment of typing and not too noisy are high priorities of mine. In fact, after initially being appalled at a $100 keyboard I'm now half-seriously considering something from Topre, but that seems pretty extreme for someone who's never felt anything other than membrane keyboards.

I'll able to get the keyboard on a stand once I know the size. I'd greatly prefer TKL if it's not too much more expensive because I never use the keypad and that means less distance from keyboard to mouse to keyboard. Any savings in physical energy means I have more energy to direct where I please so I place a very high priority on that, whch is a major factor on what's pulling me towards the Topre keyboards with the differently weighted keys.

However, the price tag is killing me. I would be capable of paying for it, but I have to wonder if I would be just as happy (or even happier) with cherry browns or reds. Noise is another significant factor for me and could force me off a keyboard. From youtube videos I'm quite certain Topres would be okay, and it seems likely the cherry browns and possibly the reds would work too. But if they don't I'd be pulling out my hair...

Anyone want to chime in with advice/thoughts?

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Help me take a leap...
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 13 June 2012, 19:45:31 »
I like browns for feel, but reds are surely the lightest.

If you are able to pull keys and do a little finger work, an o-ring mod will give you the gentlest and quietest situation available with Cherries.
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Offline cleeoo

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Help me take a leap...
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 13 June 2012, 21:24:31 »
Topre keyboards are great. Although, if you've never used a mech keyboard at all, I can understand that the price could be quite daunting. I haven't had any experience with brown or red switches as I went from a blue switch keyboard (which are great too) to a Topre, so I can't offer a comparison between the two.

If it's anything to you, I fractured a bone in my hand which means my left pinky is quite weak now. I have noticed that my pinky can start to hurt a bit when I'm typing on my laptop keyboard for long periods of time, but when I'm typing on my Topre, I don't have any problems at all. I have the variable weighted ones. I feel as though there is a noticeable difference in the key weightings. Sometimes it's a bit annoying, as occasionally I'll just rest my hands on top of the keys, and the keys are sometimes so light that I might accidentally press down on them.

At the end of the day though, it does come down to a lot of personal preference. You can only read so much about this, as what one person might like, is totally different to what another person will like.

Offline mantle

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Help me take a leap...
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 14 June 2012, 01:32:36 »
I took the plunge on a Topre recently, and I have no regrets, even paying full price on a student's budget. My rationale was that my work pretty much has me at my computer all day, and as such, my keyboard is one of my most-used possessions. So I figured a premium item is worth the investment even if it only makes me a few percent happier. There's a theory of personal spending that says that you should spend your money where you spend your time---investing in a better mattress, office chair, keyboard, or whatever you use every day is (the theory goes) a wiser use of money than for something you rarely use. And your keyboard sounds pretty important to you---more so than to most of us here!

On a less philosophical note, my Topre replaced an MX Brown board (Rosewill) that I found to be quite loud in my quiet shared office. The switches aren't loud of course, but I found myself bottoming out with a consistent CLACK. That is probably in part due to the Rosewill's plate-mounted construction. Maybe I would have eventually learned to stop bottoming out, but I found the Browns to have so little tactility that I'm not sure I would.

Compared to my one experience with Browns (note that I've only tried the one Brown board, and haven't tried Reds), the Topre is for me quieter, more refined, and a purchase I don't regret.

It's true though that it all comes down to personal preference. You can read other peoples' opinions all day to try to rationalize your decisions, but in the end you need to find out what works for you and be content with that.

Good luck with your decision!

Offline notageek

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Help me take a leap...
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 14 June 2012, 15:18:45 »
Thanks eveyrone. Great feedback on the Browns. I have seen the o-ring mod and would certainly try to do that if I go with one of the Cherries, but it looks like I'm going to end up with a Topre after all. While there are various aspects of the Topre I prefer (keycap lettering and sound particuarly) the clincher was looking at the prices of Kenisis Advantage and Maltrons and realizing that the variable weighted Topre is as close to ergonomic as a flat keyboard can possibly get. I already know that split keyboards aren't for me so that seals it.