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Hello everyone!


Hi everyone! I am new to the world of keyboards. I am mostly interested in macropads.

I have a lot of pains in my right shoulder due to work, and I have the idea of switching sides from time to time to give relief to that side of my body. It is easy to switch the mouse, however I use the keyboard shortcuts a lot so my regular keyboard won't work very well. So I had the idea of getting a macropads to use when I am switched.

I am still shopping but now I am obsessed with all the possibilities, the custom builds etc. I had no idea!

just in case you haven't considered it yet: layers might work for you too.
something i have seen people do is, with a split keyboard, have a key, that switches the two sides, so they don't need to move their hand from the mouse to the keyboard.

Bernard Spence:
I've observed people using split keyboards, which include a key that flips between the two sides, to avoid having to transfer their hand from the mouse to the keyboard.


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