geekhack Marketplace > Matias
What is the travel distance?
I went to the Matias website.
I looked under "Specifications" and none of the specifications I am looking for were there.
The Matias website is a failure. >:D
What is the travel distance?
What is the actuation distance?
I have read the corporate website, 3 reviews and 10 pages of comments on forums and I still don't know anything about the product.
If there were force graphs on the website then they would have told me total travel distance and the actuation distance.
I am interested in this as well, but I would expect the travel distance to be similar for most alps-like switches: just under Cherry's 4.
Matias has stated a few times that when the switches are available for purchase separately that they will publish their datasheet. Wish it was 3 months ago but what can you do?
Anyhow... There's an Alps datasheet here that was provided by Matias as being physically identical to their switches. So 3.5mm if you check that lower left drawing in the image.
Thank you!
So it only has 3.5mm of travel. That is not good but I assume that some of the reduced travel is due to rubber padding they have installed so the situation might be the same thing as a Cherry MX + thick O-ring.
You are looking at this in an odd way... the matias ALPS switches have almost -0- distance to actuate. I was not aware ALPS were different from this. The moment you get the key to start pressing down it has registered. 3.5mm of travel is more than enough.
--- Quote from: TotalChaos on Tue, 11 December 2012, 15:17:09 ---@alaricljs
Thank you!
So it only has 3.5mm of travel. That is not good but I assume that some of the reduced travel is due to rubber padding they have installed so the situation might be the same thing as a Cherry MX + thick O-ring.
--- End quote ---
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