geekhack Marketplace > Matias
What is the travel distance?
--- Quote from: Matias on Sun, 16 December 2012, 08:57:51 ---Friendly advice for you...
The GH moderators have a very low tolerance threshold for bad behaviour.
Insulting posters trying to help you is a fast way to get yourself banned, and all your posts deleted. They've done it before, for lesser offences.
Please be respectful of other GH community members.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...
--- End quote ---
It should be noted the the moderators do not, and have not, banned any members. We merely respond to behavior we do not think is conducive to cultivating a positive atmosphere here at Geekhack. While bans, when enacted, are discussed among the moderators as a sort of tribunal, the power and ultimate say in the matter lies with the admin.
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