So that everyone has both accent color options, please consider add two green accent keys: R2 1u ESC and R3 1.5u Enter
When I tweak the colors in the next set of renders, I'll add green accents. On the topic of novelties, I will have something done before the end of next week: adapting some dash symbols.
Does MTNU not support barred F and J?
I don't know, I simply have a preference for scooped.
I struggled with MTNU profile not having barred or dotted F & J keys. The profile, for normal keys, are already scooped so the super scooped keys are even more of a struggle to type on.
In touch typing this matters alot when fingures float as one start typing fast. Often I missed hitting F or J because my figure didn't travel down enough. Also in touch typing one need the bar or dot to realign the position, super fast, to avoid miss hitting keys. It is impossible with MTNU even after modded, albeit not the best, my F & J keys to find them quickly.
I understand the bar is not practical for MTNU profile but the dot is when implemented properly.
Based on this, I cannot justify spending a small fortune to buy something that I know is flawed. There are two MTNU colorways I really like, including yours, but won't buy based on my experience.
If you would like to do something really, really helpful for us, please demand GMK to include dotted F & J keys and be the first one to fix the flawed MTNU profile.
Thank you for your time.