Author Topic: Apple Extended II Dye Mod HELP!  (Read 2531 times)

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Offline mcsnails

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Apple Extended II Dye Mod HELP!
« on: Sat, 15 October 2011, 19:41:36 »
I am attempting to dye the keys on my Apple Extended II navy blue, but am having some trouble.  I have 2 bottles of liquid RIT dye in about 6 cups of water.  The keys aren't taking the dye too well, and are only a pink-purple color after about 4 attempts.  I've added some salt, and vinegar.  Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? I cleaned them thoroughly before attempting to dye them so I'm fairly sure that's not the problem.

Offline jmw19

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Apple Extended II Dye Mod HELP!
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 19 October 2011, 08:17:48 »
Try the powder version of the dye, and bring it to a boil before adding the keys (be sure to let it cool down to around 170 F if the keys are ABS). Salt and vinegar probably won't make much difference to plastic. I believe the liquid dye already has salt, according to the label.

I had similar issues with liquid Rit Scarlet Red dye and an IBM Model M (72G series, with rubber domes). 2 baths in boiling water and plenty of liquid dye turned them a disturbing salmon color. One box of powder, and the keys were dark red in 15 minutes.

Offline mcsnails

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Apple Extended II Dye Mod HELP!
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 19 October 2011, 20:33:16 »
Yeah, a box of powder did the trick! I did the function keys today in green with powder, and they were the desired color in minutes!  Wow, I am surprised that there is this much of a difference between liquid and powder, if anything, you'd think the liquid would be more effective