Author Topic: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - GB March 3rd to 24th - Pricing!  (Read 46744 times)

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Offline MrBingo

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Group Buy Post

HI! Welcome to GMK ³, a cube(d) console inspired set!

Basekit - $110.00 USD

Novelties - $50.00 USD

Accents - $45.00 USD

Spacebars - $20.00


CV RO2 T9 CR and 3 custom colors for the Indigo, Green/teal and the light purple

Supernova by Charue Design

Austin by Drift Mechanics

Quetzal by Pensa73

Ziggurat by Laminar Designs

CUBED .. by Marichu

(Real Sample from NK)


IC Form Updated!

Nork Studios
BKM Caps
Della Key
it cap
Mr Maw



US: NovelKeys
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08/26/2022 - Post IC
08/26/2022 - Kits render color fixed. Added 1u spacebar gray and indigo. Added 1.25shift to the accent kit. Added 2 r4 gamepad novelties. Changed ''<- Back'' to only ''Backspace" legend. Changed all legends to black in the accent kit.
08/29/2022 - Add all Vendors!
Rework and Fix all color.
Add 1 1u FN purple, add 1u "='' to the Base Kit.
Fix and rework of all novelties.
Rework on the spacebar kit.
Add 2 1u Super red key to Accent Kit.
Add one new Deskmat.
10/04/2022 - Fixed the keyboard renders with the new colors and lights.
1/06/2023 - Add all Artisan/Cable Collabs, More Keyboard Renders
1/13/2023 - Add Hibi!
2/10/2023 - Add GB Dates!
2/22/2023 - Add Pricing!

-Modify all render to match the colors as close as possible
-Modify all the kits render with the new colors.
-Modify keyboard render with the new colors.
-Get Collabs
-Get More Collabs (?)
-Post the final Update with the GB Date!

Thanks to all your feedback!

-My wife and friends for all the help, for giving me some ideas for the set and helping me to find the right name for this set.
-To the people of the community.
-To the Novelkey team for trusting in this project!

Follow me for more updates

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« Last Edit: Mon, 06 March 2023, 10:34:44 by MrBingo »

Offline lewisflude

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 09:18:04 »

Offline nu_types

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 09:18:19 »
**** I'm in.

Offline o3okevin

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 09:30:03 »
Sign me tf up

Offline Skok

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 09:52:04 »
this is dope

IMO run a chad basekit with the good stuff included

Offline Ensaum

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 09:59:14 »
Yes please

Offline pwade3

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 09:59:54 »
Is that actually an R1 1.5u Backspace in the accent kit, or is that supposed to be R2 for split BS?

Offline jivex5k

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:00:00 »
accent 1.5u bs should be r2 and teal
also 1.5u r2 cancel in novs would be nice
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:03:38 by jivex5k »

Offline VXQN

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #8 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:06:16 »
I feel like this is close, but not quite there.

Some questions/suggestions:
  • Will this be colour matched to real hardware?
  • I feel like it could be worth swapping the arrow purple to the "emerald green(blue)" official colourway
  • Can you explain the "change" novelty design?
  • The white two-port novelties look a little off
  • I'd love to see the two gamepad novelties in R4 (as well?) as they would look great on the 1u super key

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #9 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:13:57 »
Is that actually an R1 1.5u Backspace in the accent kit, or is that supposed to be R2 for split BS?

Hey, I hadn't noticed, it's already fix it, thank you very much!

Offline petardo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #10 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:14:46 »
This set is such a banger!
The colors also remind me of a Gameboy Advance I used to have <3

Great Work!

Offline nostr

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #11 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:21:59 »
Would it be possible to have a colour/Pantone comparison to gmk serenity as it is somewhat similar. Thanks ^^

Offline Vaiur

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #12 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:24:52 »
I am all over this.
Hope it survives to GB.
CB87:Sakabato Black/Red/Brass | Think6.5v2 Deep Ocean 1u | Alpine65 eWhite | Vega Grey | RAMA u80a SEQ2 Sage | Iron165 r2 Graphite | Mode80 Lotus | Geon Frog F12 Black | Keycult 2/65 Purple Unfinish | Geon F2-84 Black | JJW Cloudline Navy/Silver | Iron165 r2 PC Atomic Purple

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #13 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:25:31 »
accent kit would be a major sleeper if all the legend colors were the same (all black or all white, no alternating)

please pick your colors from plastic pantone chips, some of the colors in these renders seem too vibrant to be reproduced in physical form
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:35:49 by Puddsy »
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline UGunaLOSE

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #14 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:27:42 »
Yes, please!!!!

Offline ankit

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #15 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:36:04 »
The legends alternating from white to black in the accent kit is horrible consider all white or all black. Using the same color for shift and alt will look weird as well imo.
Please use the 1.5 "backspace" legend instead of "<- Back"
Base kit is pretty cool, novs are great.
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 August 2022, 10:41:05 by ankit-sachdeva »

Offline Starston3

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #16 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 11:27:11 »
Consider adding 2x 1.5u Super and and extra Alt 1u keys for those that use mac/*nix and Tsangan R4 in the base or at least in the accent kit

Offline are2dcrz

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #17 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 11:29:52 »
damn, this is awesome. in

Offline OmegaZero55

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #18 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 11:45:12 »
Just when I thought I was done buying keycaps for a while. Sign me up!

Offline Krelbit

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #19 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 12:08:25 »
Neat - I'd recommend finding some physical color samples, (even if you won't share the codes publicly) as they greatly increase the overall confidence in your project; Some of those neon-type colors in your renders look nigh-unreachable in their current form. Some of the purple on purple mods look concerning from a contrast perspective as well.

There are also a TON of new novelty molds, that may be concerning for the price, but the theming is overall solid so maybe a higher MOQ can be gunned for.

I guess I would also like to suggest a single 1u spacebar for the people like me who ocassionally use it on alice.


Just saw that the yellow you're using is CV.
CV is a much darker yellow than your renders would suggest, but would fit much better with a tangible controller. I don't know if you are gunning for a render match, but if you are it's super far off.
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 August 2022, 13:11:31 by Krelbit »

Offline Plasma

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #20 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 12:43:14 »
Really good

Offline plag

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #21 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 12:57:46 »
I’m so in if you can supply what colors you’re using via Pantone chips.... that purple color might be hard to reproduce. If you can do that, absolutely count me in. I love me a gamecube  :cool:

Offline Zanhana

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #22 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 12:59:09 »
really don't like the decision to paywall accent arrows in the novelty kit when they are obviously a better fit for the accent kit

no 3-key in the accent kit is also a drag

Offline wndy

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #23 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 13:08:56 »
I'm a huge fan of the concept, it would go well with my rapidly completing collection of the consoles :)

One question though, how is color matching being handled here?

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #24 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 13:15:36 »
Neat - I'd recommend finding some physical color samples, (even if you won't share the codes publicly) as they greatly increase the overall confidence in your project; Some of those neon-type colors in your renders look nigh-unreachable in their current form. Some of the purple on purple mods look concerning from a contrast perspective as well.

There are also a TON of new novelty molds, that may be concerning for the price, but the theming is overall solid so maybe a higher MOQ can be gunned for.

I guess I would also like to suggest a single 1u spacebar for the people like me who ocassionally use it on alice.


Just saw that the yellow you're using is CV.
CV is a much darker yellow than your renders would suggest, but would fit much better with a tangible controller. I don't know if you are gunning for a render match, but if you are it's super far off.

Hi thank you  for all your feedback, im currently fix the colors, i make a little post production on all the images, but it seem its confuse everyone and change the color a lot, so i remake all the renders and light to match the colors close as possible.

Offline ABlazinBlueToe

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #25 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 13:24:29 »
really don't like the decision to paywall accent arrows in the novelty kit when they are obviously a better fit for the accent kit

no 3-key in the accent kit is also a drag

It's in the base kit, no?

Edit: Nevermind, I misunderstood what you meant
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 August 2022, 13:28:17 by ABlazinBlueToe »

Offline Farhandsome

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 13:33:08 »
gamecube best console

Offline CONIN

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 15:40:25 »
I do already have a few, or several purple & violet keycap sets, but wouln't mind having another one.

Offline CaesarAZealad

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 16:07:00 »
I would love a geometric HIBI to go with this set. GL WIC
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty... Yeah that seems about right.
"Ask your mother how good I can use more than two fingers." - Caesar, 2023

Offline less_blank

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #29 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 22:51:56 »
I get what you are going for with the black accent Enter but it looks a bit out of place with the rest of the set to me, I would definitely prefer a white Enter to go with the Esc & spacebars.

Offline sirieous

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #30 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 23:37:51 »
if base kit won't be changed, then move accent arrows to the accent kit and please add 1u super for WK lads

nice set tho glwic

Offline cram56

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #31 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 23:43:47 »
base kit and deskmat are bangers

accent has color issues that other mentioned but I'm sure you will fix it

idk what I would about novelties, I like some of them but not entirely super thrilled about them

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #32 on: Fri, 26 August 2022, 23:44:22 »

08/26/2022 - Post IC
08/26/2022 - Kits render color fixed. Added 1u spacebar gray and indigo. Added 1.25shift to the accent kit. Added 2 r4 gamepad novelties. Changed ''<- Back'' to only ''Backspace" legend. Changed all legends to black in the accent kit.

-Modify all render to match the colors as close as possible
-Modify keyboard renders with the new colors

Thanks to all your feedback!
« Last Edit: Fri, 26 August 2022, 23:46:43 by MrBingo »

Offline Narf

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #33 on: Sat, 27 August 2022, 00:39:14 »
Things I like:
  • The general concept. The GameCube was my first and is still my favorite console. In fact, I learned how to solder by fixing GC controllers before moving to key switches.
  • Some nice novelties (Specifically the controller port novelties and the controller face(gamepad?), slot a/b)
  • Spacebar kit
  • Integration of button colors and lid color (I think Z-button purple is perfect on Backspace and numpad 5 in black is nice.
  • The deskmat (assuming it is the right color purple)
Things that I would change/add:
  • I don’t really like how the colored mod legends look. I would keep them the same as the alphas for the base kit. To me it makes it look very busy and doesn't really fit the design aesthetic of the GameCube or its controllers. I would prefer the button colors be used as accents somewhere.
  • I would put the button accent colors on different keys. I would make Enter green, Shift red, and the Arrow keys either c-stick yellow or D-pad/control stick gray. (Z-button purple is great on Backspace!).
  • Make a cluster of keys (perhaps WASD?) to look like the GC controller buttons. Green in the middle, with Y and X grey on the top and right, with red on the left.
  • In the accents or novelties maybe ABXYZ in their respective colors. (Key color, not legends)
  • Add some sort of Cube looking novelty, like the deskmat pattern
  • I think the controller port novelties would look better as gray with either black or purple legend. I think they would be cool as either 1.25u right bottom row mods or F5-F8
  • 1u novelties that might be fun: a gray dot to look like the start button, a gray cross to look like the D-pad, yellow dot or octagon to represent C-stick
  • 1.25u or 1.5u Novelties that look like memory cards
I was fiddling around with some ideas in KLE here. Kind of messy, but you can see my accent layout ideas.
The other concern, like many others mention, is color matching. As far as I can tell, this is often what causes big delays on sets, especially with GMK. Maybe just send GMK an indigo controller GC and tell them to match.  :D

I'll be interested to see how the set evolves over the IC!

Offline Ilcoa

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #34 on: Sat, 27 August 2022, 09:37:13 »
This is my childhood in a keycap set. YES PLEASE!  :D

Offline Robert.Lussier5

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #35 on: Sat, 27 August 2022, 14:24:38 »
if NTD and Dracula had a baby, this is what it would look like!
Austin R3 - Green // Austin R3 - Purple // Custom Acrylic Austin - Clear // Rekt1800 - Blue // Cypher r4 - Black // Boston - Sparkle Black // Balance - White // Glitch - Green // Shelby80 - Navy // Odin - Silver // Zoom65  Red // QK65 - Black // Link65 - Lilac

Offline popkorn62

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #36 on: Sat, 27 August 2022, 14:42:44 »
Gonna get in so quickly

Offline oilpapers

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #37 on: Tue, 06 September 2022, 05:22:24 »
I wouldn't change a thing!

Offline zekth

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #38 on: Wed, 07 September 2022, 14:56:01 »
Ok count me in

Offline roguesystem087

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #39 on: Fri, 23 September 2022, 15:53:43 »
ooooo my party, smash, gale of darkness and colosseum days

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set!
« Reply #40 on: Fri, 23 September 2022, 20:53:09 »
GC's my favorite console so I'm all in. Is there any chance of UK-ISO in base or a NorDeUK kit otherwise?

Given the success of DMG and NTD and the fact this hobby's probably full of people nostlgic for the GC, there's a relatively good chance this set takes off. If it does, all of Europe would be grateul for the options provided to us by a NorDeUK kit. As a third option a small UK-only kit suffice but I think that pisses off the other ISO users so maybe not there.

I think you should look at redoing the renders with more accurate colours but that's been said already.

« Last Edit: Fri, 23 September 2022, 20:58:02 by aicyborg »

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced!
« Reply #41 on: Thu, 29 September 2022, 16:55:28 »
Vendors Announced!

Offline aicyborg

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yeah but any nordeuk or just uk keys avail

or is this ic just an ad

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #43 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 11:22:57 »
Fixed the keyboard renders with the new colors and lights!
See you in the next big update!

Offline pwade3

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #44 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 16:38:32 »
Just wondering, are the colors going to be Pantone/RAL, or are you just gonna cut out the middleman and match to original parts (a la DMG)?

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #45 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 21:33:03 »
Thankfully I actually really enjoy yelling at a brick wall, so this'll be my third post begging you to consider Nordeuk or at least UK keys. I think it would really make this set quite appealing to customers in Europe! GC did pretty well in Europe so it'd be worth considering.

I am gonna keep asking, by the way.
« Last Edit: Tue, 04 October 2022, 21:50:31 by aicyborg »


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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #46 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 21:35:13 »
Wonderful color combination! :thumb:

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #47 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 22:15:54 »
Just wondering, are the colors going to be Pantone/RAL, or are you just gonna cut out the middleman and match to original parts (a la DMG)?
The 3 custom colors will be from RAL and Pantone. I did talk to Novelkeys about color matching the real hardware but since the console is over 20 years old, it will be a bit impossible to find a new one with the original colors, I used 3 consoles and 4 controllers as reference to get the most accurate color possible.

Offline MrBingo

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #48 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 22:19:35 »
Thankfully I actually really enjoy yelling at a brick wall, so this'll be my third post begging you to consider Nordeuk or at least UK keys. I think it would really make this set quite appealing to customers in Europe! GC did pretty well in Europe so it'd be worth considering.

I am gonna keep asking, by the way.
Hi! of course I have considered all the people who have asked me to put the NorDeUk kit, I am still talking to Nk about this and we are seeing if it is better to put the UK keys in the base kit or the whole NorDeUk kit. As soon as I have a better answer I will let everyone know!

Offline aicyborg

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Re: [IC] GMK ³ - a cube(d) console inspired set! - Vendors Announced! Update!
« Reply #49 on: Tue, 04 October 2022, 22:40:57 »
Thankfully I actually really enjoy yelling at a brick wall, so this'll be my third post begging you to consider Nordeuk or at least UK keys. I think it would really make this set quite appealing to customers in Europe! GC did pretty well in Europe so it'd be worth considering.

I am gonna keep asking, by the way.
Hi! of course I have considered all the people who have asked me to put the NorDeUk kit, I am still talking to Nk about this and we are seeing if it is better to put the UK keys in the base kit or the whole NorDeUk kit. As soon as I have a better answer I will let everyone know!

Thank you very much! Really happy to hear you're considering it properly.

I'm sorry to be so persistent and annoying. I'm just trying to (passionately) argue the case for regional ISO layouts. I think this is a cool set, and as a UK-ISO user I'd really like to have the chance to use it with the correct legends.

Other sets themed after retro consoles, being Dualshot 2 and DMG, both have NorDeUK kits that managed to reach MOQ, so I think it's very possible this could make it too. I understand it's not a trivial and easy decision>
« Last Edit: Tue, 01 November 2022, 22:14:31 by aicyborg »