Just so everyone knows, the keyboard right under where it says "acoustic" is my hall effect keyboard. The actual acoustic one is the one below that Samwisekoi(I think?) is typing on: (from a typewriter! A smith corona ultrasonic that HaaTa got, if I recall correctly.)
Full set of images:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/triplehaata/sets/72157639444527936/The keyboard pictured is my hall effect which does have a lifespan of 30 billion keystrokes, but it uses magnets not acoustics.
HaaTa has the telex KB: I think the one he had at keycon was from a TI unit. Though lots of hall KBs use a second "dummy" switch as a stabilizer.
Also, the matrix sample I presented was a modern idea to achieve diode-less NKRO for these switches, I don't think I've seen it implemented in practice (most are just wired up as normal 2kro types, since they are mainly for terminal sue I doubt they send upcodes)
I am very grateful for making me seem less boring though

You could use my talk as an insomnia cure.
That KB everyone signed is en route to the GH'er!
Thanks so much for the post!