geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!

Tactile Zine 2.0

<< < (10/16) > >>

I dropped off the R2 sale of Vol 2.1 just now. As a reminder there's no tracking.

Estimates on when you'll see your zines (this is based on last week's shipping and may not be 100% accurate):


* Northeast - Tuesday
* Midwest - Thursday
* West Coast - Saturday
If you're international, I'm sorry it's going to take a while.

USPS thinks that the shipping will take this long

As always thank you so much for your patience and support.

Time for an update.

First off, the NYC meetup was really fun. If we talked, you checked out my boards, or flipped through my zine folder, thanks so much. Next meetup I'll be at is the Cannonkeys ones in September.

Very important pre-meetup meal

Hopefully most people have received their Vol 2.1 Zines by now. I know the one I sent to Australia arrived after about 2 weeks which is exciting! I've started planning for Volume 2.2 and reaching out to folks to see if they're available. I've also started to work on the photozines of the meetup. I shot a roll of Superia 800 35mm in NYC so I'm hopeful there's some usable shots. Fingers crossed.

Nikon FE

Also people seem to have really enjoyed the Pokémon cards I sent out with most of Volume 2.1. Unfortunately I only had 40 packs. So ensure I have enough going forward, my buddy helped to source a box of Magic cards. Specifically 4000ish bulk modern common cards. It turned out to be mostly blues but there were still plenty of cards. So I hope yall are excited for that.

Oh and I don't know much about Magic other than what I've been told and the 3 games I've played.

Organizing the box of cards

Next I'm hoping to get some more new sticker designs in as well as trying a new sticker printer out. More to come there.

Finally I'm starting work on switch and keyboard reviews. For the switch review it'll be a baseline going forward for what I'm looking at in switches. And for the keyboard reviews it'll be on Alice layout boards. Definitely gonna include the Tengu and Dolice. Possibly the Amano. I'm also borrowing a Merisi Ottantaquattro and hopefully an HHKB soon. The reviews will go up on the blog section of my website.

HHKB testing with my assistant

Merisi Ottantaquattro, TGR Dolice, Kingsaver



As always, thanks for your interest and support o7.

Found out about this project after Volume 2.1 already shipped unfortunately, but really looking forward to the next volume!!


--- Quote from: bisoromi on Mon, 28 August 2023, 10:55:40 ---Found out about this project after Volume 2.1 already shipped unfortunately, but really looking forward to the next volume!!

--- End quote ---

I have some extras. It's not sold out! Contact me at one of these options and I'll get you sorted!

Hello I'm back with an update. The CannonKeys meetup is on Saturday and I'll be there tabling some zines. Vol 2.2 is finished and will be there. It's a little retrospective of the July 2023 meetups I've gone to so far as well as a crossword puzzle for fun.

I'll be there with Lamp who will have his Switch+ magazine up for pre order. All Tactile Zine sales at the Cannonkeys meetup with go to Girls Who Code to help Lamp hit their donation goals.

If you're not into zines and still want to spend a little money, I have some stickers that will be for sale which will also go towards Girls Who Code. The bustorblador mosher will be there. And I'll have these new loserism holographic stickers. Huge thank you to both loserism and bustorblador for your amazing art and agreeing to work with me. The stickers only for sale to benefit the charity. They will continue being free otherwise with a purchase of a zine.

Please come say hi at the Cannonkeys meetup and consider supporting a great cause!

Online sales for Vol 2.2 will come sometime in September or October.


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