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Temtop M2000 Air Quality Meter.
Was worried about CO2 levels in the home since experiencing symptoms of high C02, so sprung for this tester after some research. It was also 50% off which helped.
Probably the best meter in the $100 range, and came in a nice metal carry case. On initial testing the CO2 lvs in my bedroom were over 2000 which aint too healthy. After leaving my window open just a crack all weekend the levels are drastically improved. Every home should have an air purifier and an AQ meter.


--- Quote from: noisyturtle on Mon, 11 November 2024, 21:40:14 ---On initial testing the CO2 lvs in my bedroom were over 2000 which aint too healthy. After leaving my window open just a crack all weekend the levels are drastically improved. Every home should have an air purifier and an AQ meter.

--- End quote ---
I live at the Equator and all our windows are always open to cool down the house. So, it is interesting for me to note that there are such meters and that high CO2 inside a house is a thing. Is it due to the house/room always being closed up due to cold weather? It's funny how I hate the heat and you all hate the cold  :)


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