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Post Your Hello Caps! (previously EGGcaps)

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Old and new. Vagabond is such a good evolution of plague doctor. Hard to pick up in my picture but the underside of the vagabond cloak is color-matched to the plague doctor. Hope the community is blessed with more of these.


--- Quote from: J3ff_Leopard on Wed, 23 October 2024, 11:22:51 ---Old and new. Vagabond is such a good evolution of plague doctor. Hard to pick up in my picture but the underside of the vagabond cloak is color-matched to the plague doctor. Hope the community is blessed with more of these.

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The vagabond is so cool, definitely fits more with the with what's going on with hello caps aesthetic. Hopefully I could get one.


--- Quote from: J3ff_Leopard on Wed, 23 October 2024, 11:22:51 ---Old and new. Vagabond is such a good evolution of plague doctor. Hard to pick up in my picture but the underside of the vagabond cloak is color-matched to the plague doctor. Hope the community is blessed with more of these.

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The plague doctor takes me back. Dope to see the side by side


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