geekhack Marketplace > Interest Checks

[IC] TKD Cycle7 (70%/FRL-TKL) | GB Live until Aug 22nd

<< < (3/27) > >>

this would be a lot better with some subtle kpop reference etched on, and then you could charge people triple without any regrets

For the price, this is an insane keyboard. A must buy for me.

Please consider supporting split backspace on at least one of your PCBs. If it was up to me I think wired solderable PCB should have this option.

Since this is an IC thread and not a GB one, I hope it’s possible to make such adjustments or at least create an add-on PCB with this option  :rolleyes:

Otherwise it looks like a real banger!  :thumb:

Whoa, what a price! GLWIC!


--- Quote from: Kokaloo on Sat, 20 May 2023, 13:23:23 ---this would be a lot better with some subtle kpop reference etched on, and then you could charge people triple without any regrets

--- End quote ---


The green looks great! Would totally consider enter for it


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