I was using Model Ms long before Geekhack was around.
(And, actually, my Model M-specific forum predated Geekhack by a year or two, but the difference is, Geekhack actually has users.

I recall reading something on some forum or e-mail list for the Calmira project (Windows 95-style shell for Windows 3.1) that mentioned the Model M... so I started looking for them in thrift stores. Got my hands on one, played around with it, hooked it up to my machine, loved it. Got more of them, etc., etc. (I had some exposure to clicky keyboards - at the time, I had a Laser keyboard that I believe had white Alps, and my parents had an IBM PS/1 in the past that had a Model M2, although I'm not sure if it was BS or rubber dome.)
As for how I found geekhack... I believe I was trying to figure out just what N-key rollover was, and found the thread about it here.

But, now, I do best on short throw (laptop-style) rubber dome and long throw BS. The throw to activation on BS really isn't much longer than the total throw on your average laptop keyboard... although my fingers start to hurt if I've just switched to my laptop from a Model M, from HAMMERING the keys.

(I don't ever really bottom out the Model M - I've typed on them for a few years now, so I know to not bottom them out.
