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Vendor Terms of Service (VTOS)

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I don't know what redline's relationship with OTD has to do with anything...?

Still, Sam's rules do seem to catch boost.  Also tinlong.

Redline is a vendor, and boost is part of their team. I agree with TJ here.
(Nothing against you, Boost)


--- Quote from: metalliqaz on Thu, 23 May 2013, 20:27:28 ---So anyone who sells a CC for the usual ~$50-$150 is a vendor? (rule 1.b)

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No.  See my long explanation above.

--- Quote from: kmiller8 on Thu, 23 May 2013, 20:22:19 ---Ok, we're getting closer to an answer :)

I can completely understand everything except 1.b. Before I explain it, this Is what I think 1.b should look like.

--- Quote ---1. Who qualifies as a Vendor?
  b. Any individual, entity, or representative of an entity that profits from sales, services, or group buying activities.

--- End quote ---

The reason for this, is, I feel like as individuals who offer a service, such as The_Beast, WFD, The_Ed, should not be classified as "Vendors" since they are offering member to member services and not just trying to sell items.

However, leaving the "representative of an entity" I feel would cover everyone else on the forum here as an individual here to make profits, for example (please don't hate me examples, I <3 u guys) i3oilermaker is representing techkeys, notchka is representing keypop, feng/qtan are representing their eBay stores. This would exclude members such as the ones listed above, and other members such as yourself, samwisekoi, who just run the odd GB for geekhack members, not to represent their own storefront, while still including people who are obviously vendors and representatives of their stores.

Another thing that slightly bothers me is 2.b, it seems as if you guys could target someone who is in violation of 1.b as an individual running a keycap set GB, and require them to donate or face these strict Vendor terms. Obviously that's an exaggeration of what could happen, but it seems as if it could be used if the "Individual" part is left in 1.b.

Obviously these are just some examples, I could probably come up with more. I'd just like to see some clarification of 1.b and I think my proposed solution of removing the "Individual" part would definitely help me feel better, and hopefully other members of the community, feel better about these new VTOS.

If you have any clarifications, I have a tough time explaining things in my head to words, so feel free to ask me to clarify anything.

--- End quote ---

You are expressing yourself very well, thanks very much.  We pre-released this document in order to have this very discussion in an open and public manner.

Getting down to a single word is good progress.  I think i3oilermaker is Techkeys, and I think Notcha, feng and Imsto are in the same category.  Similarly, I think I am, not its representative.  And if I ran group buys as and made money, I would have a choice to make.  But I would be making that choice as an individual, not as a representative of an entity.  In my day job, working for a company incorporated in the State of California, I am representing an entity.  But not here.

So the word individual needs to be there to cover sole proprietor and DBA kinds of things, formal or informal as they may be.  And we cannot exhaustively list all of the possible ways an individual can be in business.

But I take your point that there are people who make money on specific transactions, and we don't want to do anything about them.  And we very, very much want to encourage people to do group buys.  Innovation fosters more innovation, and all of that is good.

Let me ponder your proposal more fully, and also consider if there is a way to differentiate between someone who (for example) offers soldering services on a small scale and should be commended and promoted from someone who is running a business as an individual on a scale where it makes a material difference to other members.

 - Ron | samwisekoi

1.b "  b. Any individual, entity, or representative of an entity that profits from sales, services, or group buying activities."

If a GB organizer gets a free X (often times GB organizers get a free set of caps) doesn't this constitute a profit?


--- Quote from: The_Beast on Thu, 23 May 2013, 21:00:34 ---1.b "  b. Any individual, entity, or representative of an entity that profits from sales, services, or group buying activities."

If a GB organizer gets a free X (often times GB organizers get a free set of caps) doesn't this constitute a profit?

--- End quote ---

Only if as a whole, a net profit was made on the entire buy.


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