geekhack Community > Ergonomics

thumb cluster

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I tried dactyl manuform but I don't feel well when my thumb is moved to the bottom columns in the thumb cluster.
Now I am using two keys per thumb, but I want to place more keys on my thumb.

Any other thumb cluster designs?

Thumb cluster styles:
* Maltron/Kinesis/Ergodox
* Oobly
* thumb keys in an arch
* Dactyl
* Datahand
* suka
* King's Assembly


--- Quote from: vvp on Sun, 10 June 2018, 13:24:55 ---
* thumb keys in an arch
--- End quote ---

An example keyboard with a thumb arc is the Keyboardio Model 01, fwiw. I've seen a number of DIY keyboards with arcs too.

Thumb arcs were common in Japanese ergonomic keyboards in the '80s and '90s. Sometimes a continuation of a more traditional bottom row of modifiers. Sometimes trapezoidal keycaps. Sometimes different widths of keys in the arc. Here's an example.
Check also the Esrille for a modern version.

Check also out Xah Lee's site for more examples and his gallery of ergo DIY keyboards.

thank you!! I think I will go with a thumb arc, and replace the thumb cluster in dactyl or dactyl-manuform.


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