They take the same amount of time to do, still need to be heated thoroughly, so we can offer them at the same price. The coils do need about 3 or 4 inches of straight on either end in order for us to make the new style
How much length is needed for the old style?
Just want to know in case I want the length shorter for cosmetic purposes.
And of course, will you be offering the old style if I so desire?
It all depends on the style of sleeving and if the customer wants a double sleeved cable. We say (very roughly) around 3ft of cable for 1ft of coil, however, often is requires a bit more, but we don't charge any more.
The amount of cable needed is ever so slightly more for the new style due to the nature of the new coil method (just a bit more straight on each end that must be cut off after coiling) again, we wont charge more.
I can offer the older style, but honestly, the new method is far better, same price as SPRINGY coils