Caps I'm interested in: - Reaper v1s (MX/TMX)
- Gumrot Ogre
- KBK Conspires (MX)
- KWK Mummy II/IIIs
- KWK Warus
- Brototype Vlad - Black (MX)
- Arctic Lycan (MX)
- Hallowed Grumpkin(MX)
- CC Splats
- Certain CC Skulls
- Bronins
- Nightcrawler Nutrias
- Feel free to PM me with other offers, if it's interesting I might be willing to trade.
Reapers I am for sure interested in that didn't make the dream list.
- White Walker
- Love Fool
- Sweet Tooth Red
- Sparkler RWB individuals or set
- Coagulant
- Blackout
- Bro Ho Ho
- Bro Ho Ho HME
- Jack Frost
- Frost Bite
- Corrupted Defender HME
- War-Torn Defender HME
- Soul Nebula
- Fauxluminum
- 'anada
- Noxious Rider
- Dark Noxious
- Noxious
- Pharaoh
- Star Cluster
- Astral
- Double C
Dream List: - Ragerot CC (MX)
- Cupid's Bane White Reaper
- Death To America Reaper
- Killing Spree Reaper
- Bloodguard Reaper (MX)
- Black Jack Reaper
- Snowmando Reaper (MX)
- Galactus Reaper
- Creepy Orange Reaper
- Heavy Metal Reaper (MX)
- Acid Reflux Reaper
- Friday Jr. CC decided I missed him
- Midnight Lycan (MX)
- Bet on Black Conspire (MX)
- Onyx Black Conspire (MX)
- Robotrip Conspire (MX)
- Relic Conspire (MX)
Anything in the dream list has priority and I'm willing to do N:1 and/or add $$$ for some. Mostly want MX but if it's on the list, especially the dream list feel free to offer.Have to Trade:
Lovegasm Reaper(TMX), Chocomint Reaper(TMX), Chocoberry Reaper(TMX)
Black Cherokey, Plum Grumpkin, 2spooky Grumpkin(Topre), Golemfish Fugu, Hexters Notion I Fugu, Pale Lycan, Bloodlust Lycan
Skoll Lycan, Accumulator Drone(TMX/GID), Limited Edition Drone(TMX), Corrupted Defender BBv2.5(TMX), Power Core BBv2.5(TMX/GID), War-torn Defender BBv2.5(TMX), Ashen BBv2
Frozen Wastes Zombro, Brototype Vlad, Brototype Zombro, Pink and Black Reaper 2, Nitty Gritty Jolly Roger, Chem Dub Jolly Roger, THC2 Jolly Roger(GID)
Grave Grey Reaper Classic, Pale Blue Reaper Classic, Chill Blue Reaper Classic, Jungle Love Reaper Classic, Photochromatic DWI Jack(T/MX), Duck Pie Synthulu, Duck Pie Ork Trooper
Everything is MX unless marked otherwise.
Ashen V2 has a tiny bit of bleed through that you can't see normally.
- TR8-0R Reaper v2 traded to mrlooolz
- Friday Jr. CC (MX) Traded to OTD
- Hallowed Grumpkin (MX) Traded to linkshine
- Toothache Grumpkin (MX)Traded to pesky brat
- GMK Dolch full set with color pack and extras, Traded to slip84