Author Topic: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%  (Read 177645 times)

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Offline mathiasx

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #150 on: Thu, 06 November 2014, 16:21:20 »
technomancy, does the new PCB have mounting holes or are you just working on the PCB for now with a plan for a new case when you've got the PCB ironed out?

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #151 on: Thu, 06 November 2014, 21:47:57 »
technomancy, does the new PCB have mounting holes or are you just working on the PCB for now with a plan for a new case when you've got the PCB ironed out?

The holes for the switches should hold it in place once the switches get soldered. If that doesn't work I might consider some changes to the spacer layer to hold the PCB in place; I'm just going to have to wait and see once I get them delivered.

Offline mathiasx

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #152 on: Thu, 06 November 2014, 22:13:28 »
Makes sense; the key switches will go into the key plate and then the PCB soldered behind that, like an Ergo Dox? I guess I hadn't thought about still needing a key plate with a PCB.

Offline nuclearsandwich

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #153 on: Fri, 07 November 2014, 01:54:45 »
Makes sense; the key switches will go into the key plate and then the PCB soldered behind that, like an Ergo Dox? I guess I hadn't thought about still needing a key plate with a PCB.

It's a bit harder to find PCB mount cherry switches too, although I think has them now. You definitely need PCB mount switches (they have plastic pins for stability) to go plateless as you otherwise put too much strain on the switch pins. Alps / Matias switches need a switchplate always.

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #154 on: Thu, 13 November 2014, 09:34:53 »
Slight changes for my preference, I'm going to probably test this out this weekend on my laser cutter.

case size is actually a bit smaller than the original, and has 3 more keys.  I liked 5° more angle on mine for personal comfort.

I was also thinking about adding another key or two to the blank area at the top to show off artesan keys ;)
« Last Edit: Thu, 13 November 2014, 09:37:07 by worldspawn »
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Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #155 on: Thu, 13 November 2014, 13:36:27 »
Ok, had to increase the height by 0.13" but managed to fill the space pretty well.

covers everything I need except F keys and arrow cluster, both easy to access by Fn
« Last Edit: Thu, 13 November 2014, 14:57:03 by worldspawn »
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Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #156 on: Fri, 14 November 2014, 14:10:38 »
This looks cool, but I think you'll need to make some revisions to the design before it's practical. The main problem is that you don't have any space left for the microcontroller, so I'm not sure how you'd wire this without doubling the thickness and just laying it on top of some of the switches. You might be able to fit something in the triangle gap in the middle, but you've got a screw hole there. And you also have to leave room for the head of the USB cable above the microcontroller.

You're also going to have a lot of trouble typing with fn that position; you really need it to be under the thumbs or you won't be able to hit any fn-layer keys with your index finger. Depending on the programs you use, you might also have the same problem with alt; this layout definitely isn't feasible for Emacs users. You'll probably also need to fit tab and super in somewhere.

I've avoided the "two layers of thumb keys" design because obra claims it was "a total bust" when he tried it on his Mark 4 ( but of course YMMV.

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #157 on: Fri, 14 November 2014, 14:20:18 »
PCB space is not a problem, I'm going with an atmega 32u4 directly on the board (in the area between enter ctrl and fn on the backside).  Using these daughterboard things just seem like a waste if you're going through the trouble of designing a pcb anyway, and one surface mount component is manageable. USB is onboard, and comes out above the Alt key.

For the most part, since I added in enough keys to cover my applications, including the numbers, I'm not going to be using the Fn key for anything except the F keys and brackets, I don't use those much. Also, the location of Fn and Alt are both fairly close to the index finger position, I never liked using my little finger for those anyway.  I'll give it a try and if its a bust, it can be easily reprogrammed.
Worst case scenario, Fn gets moved to the "? /" position, though I really like the idea of having only 1 set of mods which are accessible by both hands.

The higher thumb keys are really made for the index finger, you rarely use space and ctrl, or enter and backspace at the same time, it shouldn't be a problem.

The only real issue I foresee is that I may find the home row to be too low for my comfort, and swap the number row down to the bottom to shift the home row to the middle of the keyboard.

This is pretty much a modified version of what I use on my ergodox:
« Last Edit: Fri, 14 November 2014, 14:46:19 by worldspawn »
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Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #158 on: Fri, 14 November 2014, 15:01:35 »
Oh right; I forgot that you were going to design a PCB to go with it. For kits there's a strong incentive to avoid SMD, but if you're constructing just one for yourself that's not a problem. That would take care of the space issues, provided you add a USB port rather than keeping the connector inside the board. I don't think the fn placement is tenable, but that's a change you can make after production in firmware, so you can play around with it to find what works for you.

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #159 on: Wed, 19 November 2014, 23:02:35 »
I just got my PCBs a couple days ago. They're glorious! It's amazing what a difference it makes on the construction time--I was able to build two keyboards in less time than it took to build one previously, and it's a much less frustrating process.

On the first build I found a big problem--placing the microcontroller above the PCB took up too much room, so the case wasn't able to close. This is a pretty easy fix though; it's just a matter of adding a notch that allows the microcontroller to only overlap with the PCB where the pins need to be soldered, the body of the microcontroller can be seated much lower down. I've made this change to the PCB design for future orders, but by breaking out a hacksaw I was able to make it work with the ones I've got on hand.

The second problem is that I was getting a bunch of spurious key presses after I made the notch and assembled my second attempt. Testing with a multimeter, all the connections seem to check out fine, so I suspect this is actually due to switching to a new microcontroller (the A-Star micro vs the old Teensy design).

The one drawback of the new microcontroller is that it doesn't have a reset button on it but a reset pin instead. Because of the height issue, the microcontroller ends up being behind the PCB instead of on top of it, which means the reset pin isn't exposed. So I've added access to it through the PCB, but for my existing boards I'm going to have to run a couple pieces of hookup wire down around the bottom of the PCB so you can tap them together to reset the board without pulling all the switches off to get to the other side of the microcontroller.

So I need to step through the firmware in a bit more detail to figure out what's going on with the spurious key codes being sent, but I'm still glad for the progress. If there's enough interest, I may offer the case+PCB combo for people who would rather provide their own switches and keycaps.

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #160 on: Sat, 22 November 2014, 22:53:16 »
Finally got my firmware issues sorted out. I've pushed the changes to work with the PCB pinout and A-star microcontroller out to the firmware repo, and everything looks great. Hoping to put in another order for a bigger batch of PCBs tomorrow.

I went public about selling the kits on Twitter and got over 600 hits in 24h along with a bunch of orders, so it appears there's strong demand. Still got a few hiccups in the supply chain, so there'll be some delays in orders, but I'm feeling pretty good about how it's gone so far. The main thing I need to do is update the assembly instructions--I'm changing the kit so that the customer does the finishing of the wood, and also they need to reflect the PCB-based construction.

Of course if anyone from GH is interested and has custom requests that aren't on the order site, just let me know; I can probably accomodate them.

Offline mondoman712

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #161 on: Tue, 25 November 2014, 08:44:58 »

I'm halfway though building mine and I noticed you updated the assembly instructions to the new PCB version. Could you send me the old version somehow? I didn't save a copy and I'd like to check some things. Thanks
Poker II w/ Blues

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #162 on: Tue, 25 November 2014, 10:25:14 »
Sure. There's a link within the new instructions, but it's available at

Offline mondoman712

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #163 on: Tue, 25 November 2014, 10:34:34 »
Ah i didn't see that thanks
Poker II w/ Blues

Offline cdelahousse

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #164 on: Fri, 28 November 2014, 19:24:57 »
Wow, it has been cool to see all these developments! I too have iterated on a slightly new design.

I noticed that a lot of space was being wasted up top, so made the top line hug the keys a bit more. I also didn't like the staggered keys, so I straightened them.


Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #165 on: Mon, 08 December 2014, 20:01:26 »
Just got the rev2 PCBs over the weekend. They contain the larger notch, so that a hacksaw is no longer required, (such a relief!) and the reset pin of the microcontroller is now exposed properly. This means that it's no longer required to run hookup wire down to the bottom of the board to expose a backup reset, which is nice. Ideally the hardware reset should never be needed once the firmware is first flashed, but it's there in case you really need to recover from a firmware bug without taking all the switches off.

I've documented the various revisions that the design has gone through here, with the current version being Mark 3.1:

Yes, my prototypes are named NX-01, etc.

Offline cdelahousse

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #166 on: Mon, 08 December 2014, 21:22:52 »
Very Cool. What are you using as your PCB supplier?

Offline cdelahousse

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #167 on: Mon, 08 December 2014, 21:23:46 »
Also, what inspired you to move away from the teensy?

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #168 on: Mon, 08 December 2014, 23:31:46 »
Also, what inspired you to move away from the teensy?

Mostly it is about the micro-USB instead of mini-USB. With mini, I had to take the USB connector and use sandpaper to get rid of most of the plastic, but micro fits a lot more nicely into the case with no hassle. They are both ATmega32u4 boards, so the firmware needed very little adapting.

The PCBs are from seeed; they were recommended by PJE and obra both. I've been pleased with the quality.

Offline Ari Gold

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #169 on: Sun, 18 January 2015, 01:31:47 »

Any chance you would only sell the pcb?

And I assume the controller is mounted on top like the switches right?
So I could build a low profile case, compareable to gon or jd40 design?

Have you considered sourcing for the controller chips and having them presiderend on the main pcb? Same goes for the diodes. And perhaps led support.

Kind regards,

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #170 on: Sun, 18 January 2015, 07:02:09 »
Any chance you would only sell the pcb?

I might in the future, but right now I've still got a backlog that I want to take care of before making things more complicated.

And I assume the controller is mounted on top like the switches right?
So I could build a low profile case, compareable to gon or jd40 design?

The controller daughterboard is mounted on the PCB like the switches, yeah. I'm not sure what you mean by a low-profile case; the limiting factor in the case size is the height of the USB cable. If you found a very thin USB micro connector you might be able to get the spacer smaller than 6mm at which point the limiting factor would be the PCB+A-Star micro. But the case is already very thin; only 12mm plus the top plate. The top plate is purely cosmetic and could be omitted, but it wouldn't result in making it thinner in practice since you already have the keycaps contributing to the height in that direction.

Have you considered sourcing for the controller chips and having them presiderend on the main pcb? Same goes for the diodes. And perhaps led support.

I don't have any intention to add LED support. I've considered putting the controller straight onto the PCB, but it wouldn't really save much money; the A-Star micro is already extremely cheap.

Offline pepijndevos

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #171 on: Thu, 05 March 2015, 15:12:06 »
I'm considering this keyboard as an alternative to my crappy TECK.
Two questions:

Is the ErgoDox still your primary keyboard?
How do you like living without the number row in practice?

I admit I only partially read this thread, so maybe I missed something.

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #172 on: Thu, 05 March 2015, 18:37:03 »
Is the ErgoDox still your primary keyboard?
How do you like living without the number row in practice?

I don't really use my ErgoDox much anymore, personally. But that is at least partially because I've moved, and I haven't had a big desk of my own for a while. I certainly don't miss having the extra keys these days though. When I was using the Ergodox more, was considering porting the Atreus layout to it so I could use the same numbers and punctuation arrangement.

Maybe I'm just weird, but I actually prefer having the numbers on the fn layer in the numpad arrangement. I could never touch-type them accurately along the top because you have to leave your home row position, and now I'm a lot more accurate.

If you've tried an fn numpad on a laptop and hated it, I don't blame you--typically laptops screw this up by shifting the numpad one row up--123 on the middle row instead of 456. This basically negates the convenience of having a numpad in the first place; the numpad on the Atreus works a lot better.

Offline kejadlen

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #173 on: Thu, 05 March 2015, 18:48:44 »
I vastly prefer the numpad over the numrow, to the point where I don't bother mapping any numrow keys on my Ergodox (

Offline pepijndevos

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #174 on: Wed, 18 March 2015, 03:47:33 »
I'm more worried about punctuation than actual numbers.
I want dedicated parentheses and brackets ;)

To make things worse, punctuation is the only thing I don't type blind.
I can never remember which number contains my & or % signs.

But on the other hand, it can't be worse than the TECK, so maybe I'll buy one.
Your kit is certainly less of a hassle than getting ErgoDox parts.

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #175 on: Wed, 18 March 2015, 04:11:31 »
I'm more worried about punctuation than actual numbers.
I want dedicated parentheses and brackets ;)

I put dedicated paren keys on my Ergodox, and it's kind of cool. But think about this though--would you rather have parentheses on a dedicated key where you have to reach your fingers out for it, or would you rather have it on the home row fn layer? After getting used to it, I find I much prefer having it on the home row personally.

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #176 on: Thu, 19 March 2015, 22:49:25 »

So far I'm liking this setup!  Got the DeepSpace keycap set on and it looks pretty good.
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Offline Oobly

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #177 on: Fri, 20 March 2015, 04:04:16 »
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So far I'm liking this setup!  Got the DeepSpace keycap set on and it looks pretty good.

That's simply blue-tiful! <cringeworthy pun, I know>

Lovely little board you have, must be very satisfying to use :D
Buying more keycaps,
it really hacks my wallet,
but I must have them.

Offline vivalarevolución

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #178 on: Fri, 20 March 2015, 06:55:42 »
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So far I'm liking this setup!  Got the DeepSpace keycap set on and it looks pretty good.

How did you get the extra keys?  Hand wiring instead of using the PCB?
Wish I had some gif or quote for this space, but I got nothing

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #179 on: Fri, 20 March 2015, 07:28:02 »
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So far I'm liking this setup!  Got the DeepSpace keycap set on and it looks pretty good.

How did you get the extra keys?  Hand wiring instead of using the PCB?

Custom plate, PCB, and case.  I did a slight variation on the whole thing using a PCB that has just the atmel chip on it instead of the whole microcontroller.

« Last Edit: Fri, 20 March 2015, 13:32:12 by worldspawn »
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Offline Tshort

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #180 on: Fri, 20 March 2015, 09:31:18 »
Awesome!! Are you willing to share your case and pcb designs like technomancy did (github or elsewhere)?

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #181 on: Fri, 20 March 2015, 10:20:23 »
Yeah, I should probably set up a github account for it, I almost lost the PCB files after my last revision.
« Last Edit: Fri, 20 March 2015, 13:32:26 by worldspawn »
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Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #182 on: Sun, 22 March 2015, 11:23:40 »
I just ordered a prototype batch of 7 PCBs for this board, here's hoping they work right!  If anyone is interested in a board I could send you one for $25 for the bare board, or $30 with the SMT stuff done (what it cost me + USPS postage).  Be aware that you'd be ordering a prototype that may not be 100% working, it is untested, and I wouldn't mind a bit of assistance with the testing.
I'm doing an interest check on a group buy on these too:
« Last Edit: Sun, 22 March 2015, 12:02:12 by worldspawn »
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Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #183 on: Fri, 03 April 2015, 13:04:53 »
Boards are in, they look good

Waiting on the rest of the SMD components to arrive...

While I'm waiting, I went ahead and added support for in-switch LEDs, ALPS switches, and SMD diodes to the next revision.  Pending the success of the first 2 revisions, in revision 3 I'm going to try adding bluetooth HID and a rechargeable battery to it.
« Last Edit: Fri, 03 April 2015, 15:23:50 by worldspawn »
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Offline daftendire

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #184 on: Fri, 03 April 2015, 13:52:07 »
 :thumb: This looks like a fun little board. If I knew how to program I would be all over one of these early PCB's

Offline neverused

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #185 on: Fri, 03 April 2015, 14:50:52 »
I'll take a populated prototype board of there is one left

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #186 on: Fri, 03 April 2015, 15:05:58 »
I'll take a populated prototype board of there is one left

I've still got a few unclaimed, I'll let you know after the rest of the components come in.
I can make acrylic laser cut cases/plates PM for info

Offline neverused

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #187 on: Fri, 03 April 2015, 15:06:47 »
I'll take a populated prototype board of there is one left

I've still got a few unclaimed, I'll let you know after the rest of the components come in.
Awesome thanks!

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #188 on: Fri, 03 April 2015, 15:08:21 »
:thumb: This looks like a fun little board. If I knew how to program I would be all over one of these early PCB's

They're running the same chip as the teensy, so programming should be pretty easy, they are compatible with the TMK firmware now (, and I hope to expand that to some of the other formats available here on geekhack.
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Offline tecknut

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #189 on: Fri, 10 April 2015, 16:48:30 »
Boards are in, they look good
Show Image

Waiting on the rest of the SMD components to arrive...

While I'm waiting, I went ahead and added support for in-switch LEDs, ALPS switches, and SMD diodes to the next revision.  Pending the success of the first 2 revisions, in revision 3 I'm going to try adding bluetooth HID and a rechargeable battery to it.

Hey, any chance you could take a pic of the PCB all soldered up? This is pretty awesome!

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #190 on: Fri, 10 April 2015, 20:26:14 »
Boards are in, they look good
Show Image

Waiting on the rest of the SMD components to arrive...

While I'm waiting, I went ahead and added support for in-switch LEDs, ALPS switches, and SMD diodes to the next revision.  Pending the success of the first 2 revisions, in revision 3 I'm going to try adding bluetooth HID and a rechargeable battery to it.

Hey, any chance you could take a pic of the PCB all soldered up? This is pretty awesome!

Sure :)  I just got the last of the resistors in the mail today, I'm just waiting on the mini USB ports now.

I can make acrylic laser cut cases/plates PM for info

Offline neverused

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #191 on: Tue, 05 May 2015, 15:36:48 »
Just checking in on this, I would love to test one of the pcbs

Offline jonlorusso

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #192 on: Tue, 05 May 2015, 16:14:42 »
Just checking in on this, I would love to test one of the pcbs

same here!

Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #193 on: Tue, 05 May 2015, 16:22:11 »
I've got the boards done now all the parts are in, but I'm having issues with the firmware, I'm not a programmer, and I can't properly figure it out.  I'm trying to get the TMK firmware going on it.  The hardware, from what I can tell, is good though.  If someone would like a board with/without a plate PM me, it's $35 for the board, $40 with an acrylic plate, at cost of components and shipping (included) if you can help with firmware, I've got 3 spares.
I can make acrylic laser cut cases/plates PM for info

Offline abjr

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #194 on: Tue, 05 May 2015, 16:31:01 »
« Last Edit: Tue, 05 May 2015, 16:40:58 by abjr »
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Offline worldspawn

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #195 on: Tue, 05 May 2015, 16:40:38 »
I sent that over to my programmer buddy who's helping me with it and he said that it looks the same as what he's already using, I don't have the files he's been working on so I am unable to confirm.
I can make acrylic laser cut cases/plates PM for info

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #196 on: Sat, 09 May 2015, 01:15:24 »
Not a whole lot going on (business with the kits is good) but I did just finish a new prototype:

This one uses Matias clicky switches. I've done a Matias prototype in the past, but it was made by hand-modifying a cherry switch plate with a pocket knife, and it was hand-wired. This one is done with a PCB and a proper Alps-compatible switch plate.

I've placed an order for wooden Alps-compatible cases, so when those arrive I'll be all set to start shipping Matias kits! If that goes well I may transition away from Cherry and sell Matias kits exclusively since Matias (as a company) is a lot friendlier to hackers and small businesses; plus I can get keycaps in bulk from Signature Plastics now. Though I may keep a reserve of the cherry kits around for folks who like to customize keycaps; I understand that's still a serious weakness of Alps switches. If anyone feels strongly about this, I'd be interested in hearing opinions.

Offline technomancy

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #197 on: Sat, 09 May 2015, 02:07:53 »
I forgot to mention that I also built another wooden board with a different wood finishing process; this one involved many layers of lacquer and took several days but looks super sharp.

I'm still learning a lot about wood finishing, but I put up some instructions for the lacquering process here: if anyone wants to take a look. Feedback welcome.

Offline pepijndevos

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #198 on: Mon, 18 May 2015, 12:22:19 »
I noticed the link on your website now links to MX blue and Matias Quiet switches. Is this correct?

I can't decide which one to get. I'm now typing on MX brown, which is okay by me.
I read the Matias switches are 60g as opposed to 45g for blues, this worries me a bit, I have very slender hands.
I'm not opposed to tactile clicks, but I don't see the need. I'm not in a sensitive office env and I'm not a dedicated gamer.

The other day I had a discussion about "the customer is king" vs "the expert is king".
In the end we agreed that the expert should tell the customer what he wants, not the other way around.
Post-Steve Apple has a lot more models, where previously you'd get the one model Steve thought was best
So tell me, quiet or clicky?

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: Atreus, a column-staggered 40%
« Reply #199 on: Mon, 18 May 2015, 12:37:02 »
The other day I had a discussion about "the customer is king" vs "the expert is king".
In the end we agreed that the expert should tell the customer what he wants, not the other way around.
Post-Steve Apple has a lot more models, where previously you'd get the one model Steve thought was best
So tell me, quiet or clicky?
I'll play expert...

There's a reason blues aren't liked in offices - because more people don't like the noise than do.  You are a person therefore in my expert opinion there is more chance you won't like the noise than you will, so you should go for quiet :))

Seriously though, have you ever heard a blue switch?
120/100g linear Zealio R1  
GMK Hyperfuse
'Split everything' perfection  
MX Clear
SA Hack'd by Geeks     
EasyAVR mod