geekhack Marketplace > Great Finds

I was on eBay again ...

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Whiskey in the Jar-o:

--- Quote from: xsphat ---Bough the "Ultimate Gaming Keyboard" did you?
--- End quote ---



--- Quote from: Whiskey in the Jar-o ---
--- Quote from: xsphat ---Bough the "Ultimate Gaming Keyboard" did you?
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

Must be keying off the "elite" portion of the name.  

I'm pretty sure most hard-core gamers would hate that keyboard.  ;)

Whiskey in the Jar-o:
Oh yeah 1337. Though i've heard that some FPS players like the tiny cursor keys on the thing. So that would make it:

2 x Plum keyboards (ML switches)
Northgate Evolution ergonomic (white Alps)
MS Natural 4000
MS Natural Elite
Cherry Cymotion Master Solar
the notebook's keyboard
an old Acer keyboard

hmm... I use the Cherry one 80% of the time. The 4000 rarely (tight, rubbery keys). The Northgate is gathering dust. The Plums are just a source of switches for my future uber-keyboard.

We need pictures!!!!    :D

Whiskey in the Jar-o:
I bought a camera at the beginning of last year.  Took a bunch of pictures in t he first couple of weeks. Then put it back on the shelf and forgot about it. I'll post once I take it out of mothballs.


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