geekhack Marketplace > Group Buys and Preorders

Introducing the "MK Vendor Trust and Safety System" for Group Buys

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--- Quote from: codecoffeecode on Fri, 17 November 2023, 13:22:49 ---One question I do have is: will the December 8th enforcement date be coordinated across all participating platforms?

So far, the only found hard dates I've found were in this thread and specific to GeekHack. I don't see any dates on the r/mechanicalkeyboards, r/mechmarket, or the MechMarket discord posts. I definitely may have just missed them, but I wanted to ask to be sure.

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Ahh, good question. You definitely didn't miss anything. It's a little complicated with how the teams operate and given the past half year of history, but I'll do my best to articulate it all accurately here.

- r/mechanicalkeyboards has been closed to GB posts for a few months now, so they opened back up when the system was announced and immediately require compliance as otherwise it would be odd to have a free-for-all grace period after being closed down, only to implement the system in full a month later. There are some short-term allowances and leniency that go along with this (only the lead vendor needs to be rated, etc) for a one month "grace period" of sorts.
- geekhack and MechGroupBuys have been open for GB posts without interruption, so both will have the grace period to help transition over to the new system.
- discord mechmarket has disallowed commercial posts for some time now, so this won't have any impact on how they operate.
- r/mechmarket is the unique case in this instance; implementation and specific timing is a little fuzzy right now, largely due to a general lack of GB posts over there. I'd expect a little more clarity to come on this one over time.

Do we have a time frame on submission reviews (Apologies if i've missed it) - We'd submitted the day the doc came out but haven't heard anything back since.


--- Quote from: SwitchKeys on Sun, 19 November 2023, 14:16:12 ---Do we have a time frame on submission reviews (Apologies if i've missed it) - We'd submitted the day the doc came out but haven't heard anything back since.

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This first round is going to take a little time simply due to the quantity that were submitted all at once. That said, an estimate would be nice, so I’ll see if there’s anything to be shared in that regard.

I have submitted, hoping to receive the results soon.

Is this initiative still active? I haven't seen any updates to it in a while.


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