geekhack Community > Off Topic

What did you do today?

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Started going to the gym again.   Got up an hour earlier, went to gym, then to work.

Now I feel like a nap.

I woke up at 4:49 AM to my cat jumping on my chest.  I showered and dressed.  I did some Geekhackery and some job searching (like every day). The one non-standard thing I'll be doing is making a custom order cable today since the stuff came in to make it.


Started working on developing automated test cases to test company software through different scenarios. Ate two sandwiches. Drank some water. Trying to waste another 2.5HRs till I can go home.

Woke up at 11 am, got some bagels, went to da gym and did a hard workout with my soccer trainer. Then i got home, and have been eating and chillin ever since

and by chillin i mean watching episodes of workaholics


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