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What did you do today?

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--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Fri, 08 March 2024, 17:08:17 ---
--- Quote from: phinix on Fri, 08 March 2024, 16:25:19 ---
Thanks guys.
I guess there is never a time to be prepared for this. First day I felt pretty bad, now I feel a bit better, looked at it from different perspective.
No point to be down just now, I'll see what another tests will show, then will act.
Hoping for the best, will see what happens.

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It's important phinix that you do not feel powerlessness/despair. It might seem trite coming from myself, but Tp4+Veggies is more than a gekha Meme.

Studies show, Vegan bloodwork has 700% the cancer cell killing power compared to someone eating the standard american diet. And, our blood is only 1 of the basic defenses. The veggies do a whole lot more.

Everyone has cancer cells, whether or not those cells proliferate/ grow, you have tremendous room to affect those odds.

Nutrition (food) is the LARGEST chemical interface you have with the external world.

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Yeah, I've been talking a lot with my missus and we talked about how the hell that cancer grows/spreads so easily in last 20-30 years. My dad had one and died, my mum had two cancers and still alive, but unwell most of the time, my grandma had one, survived, died of age, my mother in law had one, died, my aunt had one, survived.
I think my parents' generation (born in 50s) was a group who ate all good stuff, non chemically modified, for most of their lives (living on farms, or eating food provided by organic farms etc), then in last 20 years they had loads of modified food introduced my the market, which I think had a huge influence on how those cancer cells have been "activated".
Then my generation (80s) was born in the age when that modified food was more available, I may have stared eating it at age of 10 for example. I think, may be wrong of course, but it had bigger influence on my parents, than me. On the other hand, my dad had stomache cancer at age of 53 (died 54) and I started at 43. Evolution ;)
But yes, I started to drastically reduce meat consumption in last 5 years, have to say you were one of the reasons :)
I do not eat much meat, almost none. I do take milk to coffee, reduced it a lot by not drinking it as is. I still do eat some cheese. Reduced eating eggs from maybe 5 a week to 6 a month. It is harder to get rid of those, but maybe in few years I will fully convert. Not vegan, but Vegeterian, or pestecarian (?) - I mean I would still like fish - also my favourite meat, so would be hard to get rid of...


--- Quote from: phinix on Sun, 10 March 2024, 18:19:31 ---I do not eat much meat, almost none. I do take milk to coffee, reduced it a lot by not drinking it as is. I still do eat some cheese. Reduced eating eggs from maybe 5 a week to 6 a month. It is harder to get rid of those, but maybe in few years I will fully convert. Not vegan, but Vegeterian, or pestecarian (?) - I mean I would still like fish - also my favourite meat, so would be hard to get rid of...

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Indeed your attempts are valorous. We have a cultural obsession with meat eating due to advertising. This is difficult to overcome being surrounded by the unhealthy norms.

I want to emphasize the urgency of your situation. If you were 30, taking it slow, ok, but we're up against the wall here, if there was ever a time to redline the veggie engine, it's now.

Do not eat fish, there's nothing good in it, especially since the ocean of today is humanity's industrial toilet.

For Every person on the planet, we're dumping 30 TONS of chemicals into the environment Every Year. X8 billion. The bio-accumulation of toxins in fish large enough for humans to eat is excessive. Farmed fish is even worse, they're basically farmed in their own fecal pool. For example ~50% of salmon is farmed, then dyed orange, they're not even that color naturally anymore. These fish have to go through a lice cleaning machine, and they use an enormous amount of cleaning chemicals and antibiotics due to sea-lice and other infections.

If you can't get the protein concept out of your mind,  Sweet potato and Yams. You can literally live on them, they are nutritionally complete.

Tried learning Colemak during an intense work day.


--- Quote from: romevi on Tue, 09 April 2024, 19:39:44 ---Tried learning Colemak during an intense work day.

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Do you prefer pain?


--- Quote from: iamtootallforthis on Tue, 09 April 2024, 21:04:31 ---
--- Quote from: romevi on Tue, 09 April 2024, 19:39:44 ---Tried learning Colemak during an intense work day.

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Do you prefer pain?

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Like tying your shoes together before running a marathon. But don't' leave us hanging, how'd it go?


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