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Turbo Slaab:
--- Quote from: TheQsanity on Sun, 02 December 2012, 01:14:13 ---Hmm, cool. too bad I don't use Linux. The refresh key is on the site.
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You're right. Must of had a brain fart. Ordered!
--- Quote from: TheQsanity on Sun, 02 December 2012, 01:14:13 ---Hmm, cool. too bad I don't use Linux. The refresh key is on the site.
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There are versions of vim for Windows and Mac.
i3oilermaker, pi keys?
Pi keys are coming soon.
All my moneys are belong to SP
--- Quote from: SmallFry on Sun, 02 December 2012, 00:49:38 ---
--- Quote from: Turbo Slaab on Sun, 02 December 2012, 00:47:37 ---
--- Quote from: SmallFry on Sun, 02 December 2012, 00:36:46 ---
--- Quote from: Turbo Slaab on Sun, 02 December 2012, 00:35:07 ---
--- Quote from: TheQsanity on Sun, 02 December 2012, 00:26:31 ---Ahh, no Creepers. What is Weezer and why do people like Vim?
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Weezer is a band. Not sure about Vim though.
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Vim is a *nix text editor.
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Ahh! Still don't get it. Google time.
Still looks like a nice key tho.
i3oilermaker, were you guys the ones selling the green refresh keys too?
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Unix/Linux etc text editor. Kinda like command line Notepad.
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Gonna have to troll you here Smalls.
Vim is not anything like notepad. That's what gedit is. Vim has two modes, and insert mode (which is like any other text editor), and a command mode. The command mode is what makes vim an extremely powerful coding tool, and it originates from the 70's when there was no such thing as a PC mouse. It was designed to optimize the number of keystrokes needed to do any form of editing, and is extremely popular amongst coders for this reason. Vim is not the original, it is the extended version of the unix editor Vi, which is in of itself an extension of an even older editor (which I can't remember the name of off the top of my head).
Long story short, knowing vim is very valuable, but getting there takes some time.
^ ed.
vi = "visual interface" - a full text screen interface mode for ed (ed is similar to edlin, only an order of magnitude more powerful).
Most Unices still include ed and a version of vi.
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