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[Help] Keyboard Firmware Builder


I am looking at Keyboard Firmware Builder. I have imported my layout info and the wiring tab looks right:

I notice it calls out 5 rows and 12 columns. I only have 11 columns, but I see that column 7 is omitted, so it actually is 11.
But then when I go to the pins tab I see:

There are actually 12 columns listed. What is going on here? How do I use this to assign my Teensy pinout?
If I change the wiring tab to 5 rows and 11 columns, it changes the
wiring traces with a bunch of cross-wiring that does not exist on my

Anyone have any insight?

That's a strange glitch, column 7 is empty even after you change it to 11 :-\

You could use the "12" column version without wiring up that pin and just pretend all is well (it should add gap keycodes to the unused column in the firmware) or you could remove the gaps between the sections in your layout and re-load it - hopefully the glitch will go away.

So, to be clear, you are saying that I should assign an unused Teensy pin on column 7 and assign the rest to the columns they correspond to? When I click the buttons in the wiring tab drawing, they do correspond to the columns they appear in, just no #7 column.

Yes - an unused pin will never connect to another pin to register a press and if it somehow did the firmware wouldn't do anything because no code is assigned.  Luckily it's not a big board so you have some spares :)


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