Hobbies: Chasing comets, barking at other space ships that fly by, and playing around with space dolphins
Hobbies: Enjoys chasing after lasers, and tugging at the threads of space-time creating inadvertent wormholes
※ What languages are the Alien text?
First off, "I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords"
The Alphas are based off a sci-fi TV show from the 80s called V. It is the language of an invading alien race called the Visitors who are reptilian humanoids.
The Modifiers are a different language in fact, and are based off the classic games Commander Keen and Minecraft.
Although there are many Alien languages we researched to potentially pick from, we ultimately picked what complemented each other, and also would not lead to IP issues. We have checked that we can use both typefaces for commerical purposes.
※ Why so many kits?
The manufacturer Keyreative MOQ structure permits us to do so. As long as the overarching goal of the minimum number of keycap “units” sold for production is met, all kits will be made.
This approach should be applauded; giving those who enjoy using less popular layouts an opportunity to purchase a set for their favoured form. It also embraces the customizability spirit of this hobby, offering people their pick of legends for alphas and modifiers. So if you want your whole keyboard to be totally incomprehensible, that should be a readily obtainable goal.
※ Price estimates?
We'll update the post as soon as we know. In the meantime, please refer to previous KAT sets for a sense of price ranges, although there are multiple variables that would differentiate our final kit prices from theirs, such as number of colours and keys.
※ Will you consider making a particular novelty/desk mat idea I have in mind?
Maybe, but unlikely unless it is particularly interesting and feasible. We already have a large variety of novelties, thus we’re more interested in finding out what to keep and what to shed.
※ Do the Space Dog and Space Cat have names?
Yes, our spooce doggo is named Zeta Pup, short for Zeta Puppis, which is also known as the star Naos ("roaring bright one"). It is a blue supergiant, and one of the hottest, and most luminous stars visible to the naked eye.It has been extensively studied because of its rareness and relative closeness to Earth. Zeta is rare and close to our hearts.
Spooce Kitty is named Space Kat. Self-explanatory.
※ Which switch should I get?
Sir, this is a Wendy’s. People tell me that Box navies and jades don’t make sounds in space.
※ Where’s the nearest black hole?
Check your wallet