v3 of base kit:

Points of discussion:
>> Reverting from Text+Icon Modifiers to Text only legends or Icon legends. After looking at some renders, icon+text looks a bit 'busy' in my personal opinion. Simply, the more legends there are on the keycap, the less total surface area on the top surface of the keycap is highlighter colour. Let's maximise photon output.
> Note that I don't plan to change the legends to highlighter colours either. I think going opaque black works with the concept of 'highlighting' text. There's actual logic in this chaos. I did consider going metallic like Hi! Viz, or fluorescent like DCS Windbreaker, however the main emphasis here is the base colour, not the legends.
BASE KIT Considerations
- Removed alternate red enters for now, may re-include them depending on how bulky the base kit looks...
- Removed 6u cvx spacebar, and moved to add-on kit instead
- Made all R4 Super keys in red to stop the whole set looking too orange. Although they're not the same colour as the alphas or other modifiers, I think them being red still retains the original spirit of Handarbeit I feel (as they were actually red). If you go WKL, this change won't make a difference, and the keyboard blocker already helps break the colours up more.
- I'm strongly considering culling the additional R3 Numpad '5', and making it scooped or dimple - it feels a bit redundant to have 2 '5's when many here don't use a numpad in the first place.
ADD-ON KIT Considerations
> R1 Cherry Keys x 2 - black on red ; red on green
> Windowed keys x 4 - R1 Scroll, R1 Num, R3 Caps Lock (stepped), R3 Caps Lock (non-stepped)
> R3 F & J in orange for uniform alpha look option, although I would rather force one homing style in base kit, and have the orange in base too
> Spacebars: 3u cvx x 2, 6u cvx, 1u cvx - all in yellow
> R1 Relegendables? - need to figure out how many to include... open to suggestions
I also considered exploring adding a bit more visual variety to the alphas since people also like the vibe of GMK Panels and DCS Windbreaker, so here's some experimental mock-ups.
A) left side alphas in Magenta:

B) Variant of A with R1 non-numeric keys ["`~", "-_" and "=+"] in blue to also match the other double legend punctuation alpha keys

C) Variant of B with yellow homing alphas

D) How it looks with v1/v3 alphas, however R1 non-numeric keys in blue to also match the other double legend punctuation alpha keys

E) WASD in Magenta, with R1 non-numeric keys in blue

I'm currently pretty happy with how the most recent base kit looks, but I can see the appeal with having another block of colours in the alpha for more variety.
Which leads to v4 base kit beta:

- It has elements of mock-up E included in the base kit (see bottom right) with Magenta WASD, and blue num-row non-numeric keys. The inclusion of 8 more alphas in total. Also to offer both orange and yellow F and J in the base kit, I'm forcing one type of homing key for the alphas (scooped as a homage to the original Handarbeit). I've also scrapped the additional numpad 5.
- I'm currently considering whether or not to just include the other 10 magenta alpha kit options into base, or keeping them separate into the add-on kit? I'm leaning to the former option if a lot of people really like the magenta alphas, which I'm starting to get jiggy wit'.