
geekhack Community => Keyboards => Topic started by: NorrisB on Tue, 17 September 2019, 18:03:02

Title: Anyway to make Alt Character short cut codes more intuitive
Post by: NorrisB on Tue, 17 September 2019, 18:03:02
Like I'd alt + ^ = ▲

Anyone on here been able to do that?
Title: Re: Anyway to make Alt Character short cut codes more intuitive
Post by: Entropia on Mon, 30 September 2019, 10:13:56
AutoHotkey is the answer. I have a resident script for many things concerning my keyboard. This idea of alternative ALT codes is one of them:

RAlt + O:
º = primerO

RAlt + A:
ª = primerA

RAlt + E:
€ = Euro

RAlt + U:
Ü = U with diaeresis

RAlt + C:
Ç = Cedilla

RAlt + L:
£ = Pound

RAlt + Y:
¥ = Yen

RAlt + period:
• = bullet point

RAlt + hyphen:
→ = arrow

RAlt + 2:
² = square

RAlt + 3:
³ = cube

RAlt + G:
° = degree

RAlt + M
½ = half

RAlt + B
  = no-Break space

RAlt + T:
© = copyrighT

RAlt + R:
® = Registered

RAlt + H:
♥ = Heart

RAlt + N:
♫ = musical Note

RAlt + *:
★ = star

RAlt + S:
☺ = Smiley

RAlt + V:
✓ = V check

RAlt + X:
× = multiplcation

RAlt + D:
÷ = division
Title: Re: Anyway to make Alt Character short cut codes more intuitive
Post by: Findecanor on Mon, 30 September 2019, 11:50:50
I'm using Ubuntu Linux with an unmodified Swedish layout. It came with lots of symbols on the RAlt (Alt Gr) layers, plus I also have the Compose key enabled to get even more. Often, the Compose combos are more intuitive.

These below are all actual mappings that I have found and use:

RAlt + Shift + 0 ⇒ °
RAlt + Shift + 1 ⇒ ¹
RAlt + Shift + 2 ⇒ ²
RAlt + Shift + 3 ⇒ ³
RAlt + A ⇒ ª

Compose 1 2 ⇒ ½
Compose 1 3 ⇒ ⅓
... and so on

RAlt + C, or Compose O C ⇒ ©
RAlt + R, or Compose O R ⇒ ®
Compose T M ⇒ ™
RAlt + 3/4/5/6 ⇒ £ / $ / € / ¥
RAlt + E ⇒ €
RAlt + Shift + E ⇒ ¢  (Euro-Cent)
RAlt + Shift + Y ⇒ ¥

RAlt + M ⇒ µ
Compose , C ⇒ ç
Compose A E ⇒ æ
Compose O E ⇒ œ

RAlt + Y/U/I ⇒ ←/ ↓ / →
Ralt + Shift + U ⇒ ↑
Compose - >  ⇒ →
Compose < - ⇒ ←
Compose = > ⇒ ⇒
... but ...
Compose < = ⇒ ≤

Compose + - ⇒ ±
RAlt + * ⇒ ×  (actually, RAlt + Shift + ')
Ralt + / ⇒ ÷   (actually RAlt + Shift + 7)

Compose . - ⇒ ·
Compose . = ⇒ •
Compose - - - ⇒ —

Compose < > ⇒ ⋄
Compose : ) ⇒ ☺
Compose : ( ⇒ ☹
Compose < 3 ⇒ ♥

I am missing ▲ ♫ ★ ✓ though. Maybe I just haven't found them yet.

In Swedish layout, diacritic marks " ^ ~ ˇ ' ` are available on two dead-keys.
Some characters above created with Compose are also available on a RAlt layer but the locations are not as intuitive.