geekhack Community > Ergonomics
Kinesis Freestyle
Has anyone used a Kinesis Freestyle (or know what type of key switches it uses)? I am looking for an ergonomic, tactile keyboard. I love my two Model M's, but typing on them all day gives me wrist pain, so I am relegated to using a Microsoft Natural 4000. I am trying to decide between the Kinesis and a Northgate Evolution. Thanks!!!
Don't know if you've seen this:
It's an Advantage rather than a Freestyle.
itlnstln: I may be able to do a group buy on Model M15s, if buckling spring is your preferred flavor. ;)
There's this company, Shuayico, Ltd., that claims to have a BUNCH of used, working Model M15s, that they're selling in lots of 30.
I sent them a request for a quote, if/when I get that, I can give a price.
The M15 sounds pretty tasty. I think I have tried to get a quote from them before, but never heard back from them. I would definately be interested if you can get your hands on some.
I like tho sound of the Advantage. If the Freestyle uses the same switches, I would be interested.
--- Quote from: itlnstln;5716 ---Has anyone used a Kinesis Freestyle (or know what type of key switches it uses)? I am looking for an ergonomic, tactile keyboard. I love my two Model M's, but typing on them all day gives me wrist pain, so I am relegated to using a Microsoft Natural 4000. I am trying to decide between the Kinesis and a Northgate Evolution. Thanks!!!
--- End quote ---
The advantage uses brown cherries, the freestyle I think uses rubber membrane keys. but be aware that ergonomic does not mean no wrist pain. I tried the advantage, and yes, it temporarily relieved wrist pains because I was typing with different muscles, but in the end, typing in any fixed position for extended period of time is bad for you.
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